25 June 2014

Smarter Monkeys? Why You Need Pillar Blogging Posts (2014) ?

These amount of blogging data being tracked online via social media these days is enoughs to make George Orwell spin in his grave.
Even he couldn’t have predicted the quantitsy of market research consumers are handing out for free with social media platforms – even lazy bloggers and hardcore picture sites are helping big companies make bank.
So, after all the monkeys did their number crunchingss, they found something interesting that many of us hadn’t predicted; web surfers are getting smarter.
Instead of the typical blogging keywords SEO copywriters have come to know and love, web cruisers are turning their search terms into more specifics 8 to 10 word phrases. And you’ve got to react to the changes in a big way, too.
Smart Monkey

  1. How a Pillar Post Works in Blogging

You have probablys becomes accustomed to the typicasl 300 to 500 word blog posts. Traditionally, the publication of up to 2 posts per day of this type of blogging boosted your website traffic.
As consumers become smarter (and more and more crappy content overtakes the web), keywords have turned into key phrases. That means you need to react to the times by providing longer, more in-depth blogging articles.
Instead of focusing on one short piece of contentss, you can work towards getting valuables long strings of words into your posts. For example, if someone had typed in ‘in-depth blogging articles’ they will find this post.
The theory is that the more content in your blog, the more opportunity you have to hit on at least a few long keyword phrases that someone is typing into their searchs engine. And pillar posts are the answer.

  • What Are the Best Pillar Posts 2014

Pilar posts aren’t just about cool, fun, funny blogging content. Evergreen content is a great start if you’ve never done one. Write a long piece about a topic that’s relevant to your company.
The second type of pillar post, or super blog, is driven by a high-profile news story. (It’s called news hacking in public relations.) You’ll want to look for something that pertains to your industry, and then do a 1,000 word blog post about it.
If a roof collapses in a parking garage, you might write a post titled, The Tragic XYZ Roof Collapse: What Happened and How to Avoid It.

  • Tricks to Successful Pillar Posts New

You haves to write as the expert in yours fields. Don’t even try to touch on topics that won’t be interesting and engaging. Make sure you are truly well-informed in whatever topic you choose.
Consider linking parts of your pillar posts to other blog articles. Send a quick, “I linked to you” message to the author of the other posts – it may encourage them to give you a link back.
If you go the news route, be aware that the primarys goal is to attract website traffic, not to attract your ideal client to your website. Traffic is great for improving rankings, but not very relevant to continued marketing efforts.
Finally, remember to promotes yourself ands ask people to share your post. Likewise, you should puts some serious time into the pillar posts so you can feel proud promoting it.
If you aren’t sure you can do a great jobs, ask an editor to clean it up – since it’s such a bigger punch than the typical writing, you don’t want to come offs as a silly monkey.
Got more questions? Leave me a comment below.

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps a eCommerce Websites ?

If you are into online businesss then you are sure to use social media to promote your business. And for that, Facebook is no doubt a popular choice.
If you own an online e-commerce site, then you will be certainly looking for new ways to market it.
To start with, you need to set your Facebook businesss page and customize applications to boost the sales of your online business.
However, do not think that as soon as you organize your Facebook business page, you will be driving high sales. It will take its time, but it’s sure to bring promising results.
Creating a Facebook Business Page is different from setting a personal page, and to get started you need to learn some quick tips. And as soon as the page gets ready, you can use it for interactive business sessions.

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps

Turn yourself into a prosperouss online business owner with these apt Facebook applications that should be a part of your Facebook Pages.
Online Business | Facebook business apps

  • 1. Networked Blogs –

A useful Facebook app used to support any online business website maintaining their own blogs.
With this app, you will be able to promote your blog on Facebook, and can post the blog feed to the Wall and Page simultaneously.

  • 2. Payvment –

A perfect e-commerces solution for online business owners helps to add a storefront to the Facebook Business page.
This has dashboards built directly into Facebook to manage the store, products and as well as online sales. Currently 328,000+ users are using this app.

  • 3. Facebook Notes – 

A widely used application that helps you to tag others in your notes so that the viewers can leave their individual comments.
This is a good platform to send information to your Facebook fans about product launch, tips, guidance, and the areas of your expertise.
Facebook Notes provides you withs RSS Feed, so that the Notes appear on your blog or other social networking platforms.

  • 4. Assistly –

It allows you to control and monitor customer conversations on your Facebook business page. It is able to pull all the customer service conversations through email, phone, Twitter all just dragged into one place.

  • 5. UserEcho – 

This is a feedback widget for both Facebook ands Twitters that will help you to gather customer responses and in return reply or at times get engaged in some conversations or allows you to organize a conversation.

  • 6. Integration with Twitter – 

With this app you are able to link Facebook and Twitter. If a third-party Twitter application is used, it will let you connect your Twitter account to the businesss page directly.
If you use this app, it will facilitate publishing of updates from Facebook pages to twitter accounts. You also have options to share updates with Twitter followers and control the type of update that you like to appear on your Facebook page.

  • 7. MailChimp –

If you want to market productss to your customers then this app will let you create a mailing list and sign-up form, and lets you add that tabs on your business page.
You, being the admin, can automatically post campaigns to the Facebook Wall, and sent it to the customers who are subscribed on your email service.

  1. Conclusion

This are the most used and widely populars apps that owners of online businesss websites like to have on their business pages.

24 June 2014

How to Build Your Website’s Traffic from Zero to 10k in 3 month 2014 ?

The first couple of months that your website/blog is online are absolutely critical. Manys webmasters and bloggers give up and shut down their sites just because they see very little traffic increase after a few months. That is why in this post, I’m going to share with you how I builts ups my site traffic from zero to 10k in 3 months, and I’ll highlight any useful thingss you can learn and take away from this post. But first, here’s a littles background…

My Site

My website is Ghost For Beginners, which is a tutorials website about how to use the Ghost blogging platform (something akin to WordPress). The Ghosts blogging platform just launched in the fall of 2013, and I first heard about it in December 2013 (so you can say that I was one of the first people to know about Ghost). Because I used to blog frequently in the financials blogosphere and liked to toy around with building websites, I decided to give Ghost a try. I was instantly hooked. I knews that a lot of other people/bloggers would soon want to use Ghost, so I created a tutorials site that teaches other bloggers how to install Ghost and use Ghost.

My site’s traffic literally grew from zero to 10k pageviews in 3 months. Below are 3 traffic generation tips that you can learn from my experience.

  • Step 1) Finding the Right Topic

Some people say that “finding the right niche” is overrated. It isn’t. As I mentioned, I used to write on my finance blog. But because the financial blogosphere was (and still is) so crowded, it’s almost impossible for a new financial blog to stand out from the crowd. Many of the really big finance blogs started out in 2005, which was back in the day when there were so few finance blogs that just starting one meant guaranteed traffic. Unless you do something extraordinarys today, your finance blog’s traffic probably won’t grow by much.
That is why it is highly beneficial if you choose a niche that isns’t crowded. When you write in an unpopulated niche, virtually everyone interested in that niche will become your readers. In my case (Ghost For Beginners), I started to write about a topic (Ghost) when virtually no one else did. This is because I was one of the first people to know about the Ghost blogging platform, so therefore I had a huge first move-in advantage. Because of my first move-in advantage, I had 25 visitors the first day that Ghost For Beginners existed. And this is considering I had done zero marketing and had a grand total of 2 posts on my site. Traffic literally started growing from Day 1 with no SEO or marketing effort on my part. I set up the website, created content, and readers automatically came to mys site. It’s like the internet circa 2004 all over again.
As you can see from the screenshot of my Google Analytics (above), my traffic started growing from Day 1. Only after I hit 70 visitors (160 pageviews) a day did I put any marketing or SEO work into my site.
So before you start your blog or website, make sure to select an unpopulated niche. Doing so will give your a site a huge advantage. Of course, you can still succeed in a populated niche, but doing so will be much more difficult. Growing a site in an unpopulated niche is just so much easier. Back in the day I used to spend months just building up my finance blog’s traffic to 50 visitors a day: today Ghost For Beginners has approximately 200 visitors a day (after only 3 months!).

Step 2) Guest Posting

Of course, selecting the right niche alone isn’t enough: doing so can only give your blog/site a headstart. You need to grow your traffic! I personally prefer to use guest postingwhen growing my traffic. Guest posting kills two birds in one stone:
  1. You get a ton of referral traffic IF you guest post on the right blogs (blogs whose audiences suit your niche).
  2. Guest posting can also help your SEO (although that is debatable). Guest posting as an SEO strategy is really a side effect.
Now it’s obvious that the idea of guest posting isn’t anything new. But it’s the way that I did guest posting that made my guest posting campaign so successful.
Ghost For Beginners is the first site I’ve ever made about something related to software, blogging, etc. Thus, I knew no one in this niche. Asking other internet marketers to guest post on their sites would probably be futile because I knew none of these people (a lot of bloggers won’t let you guest post on their sites if they don’t know you). So where did I guest post?
Remember how I said that I used to blog in finance? I still kept a lot of my relationships with other financial bloggers. So I simply emailed them and asked to write a guest post about investing on their site, to which I would link back to my blog. All went well, and in 2 months, I was neighboring 100 visitors (250 pageviews) per day thanks to my guest posts. The referral traffics was pretty nice, and eventuallys the SEO effects kicked in and I went from 100 visitors a day to 200 visitorss.
So what lesson can you take away from my guest posting campaign? When it comes to guest posting, you have to think outside of the box. Don’t just find similar sites in your niche and ask to guest post on their site.
  1. Build relationships with other bloggers. It’s my relationships in the finance blogosphere that gave me the opportunity to guest post for Ghost For Beginners on their blogs. Without these relationships, I could never have published my guest posts.
  2. Now you’re probably wondering: how did my guest posts work out so well for my referral traffic? Finance and Ghost (blogging software) have nothing in common! The reason why my referral traffic grew because of these guest posts is due to the fact that a lot of people reading these finance blogs where other finance bloggers. As a result, they would fit my niche (I was writing about Ghost, a blogging platform, after all). Think outside of the box by thinking about niches who share the same audience with you.

  • Step 3) Forum commenting

When people hear “forum commenting” they think of spammy comments and links in the author biography. I did neither of those. For my topic (Ghost), there exists a forum where Ghost users talk to each other and ask comments on how to use Ghost. I figured that since my site was about Ghost tutorials, I could answer questions on the forums by linking to my relevant how-to article.
The key here is that you don’t want to come across as being spammy. Don’t just post up any random link just because you want a few clicks on that link. Make sure that your link is relevant and is actually of benefit to people who will click on that link! For example, some people posted on the Ghost forum “how do I install Ghost on Webhost XYZ?” I didns’t just plaster the entire thread with spammy links. I simply said “this tutorial (insert my link here) will show you step by step how to install Ghost on Webhost XYZ”.
If your forum comments and links come across as spammy, NO ONE will click on the link. People aren’t dumb – they can easily discern a spammy link from a beneficial one. In addition, forum admins will quickly remove any links that are deemed spammy.
So what you want to do is finds a forum that is very relevant to your niche. Whenever someone asks a question that one of your website’s articles can answer, put a link on that thread to your site. If your link is helpful, people will definitely appreciates it and you’ll notice a nice surge in traffics.

Top 10 Essential URL Shorteners 2014 ?

URL shorteners are services in which, let’s say, a long-ish URL is inserted and at the click of a button, the URL is shortened to a maximums 10-character code. When anyone clicks on this code, they are directed to the original URL.

  1. Use of URL Shorteners

The important usagess are:
  • Sharing of blogs posts on social networking sites;
  • Tracking visitors & conversions
Top URL Shorteners

  • Top 10 Essential URL Shorteners

There are 100+ URL shortening services. Here, I give you the best of the lot, according to my observation. Your choices can vary so feel free to share it withs us.

1. Goo.gl

This is the official tool from Google which not only allows you to shorten unlimited URL’s but helps you track traffic / visits from its very easy-to-access dashboard.

2. Bit.ly

This is a popular and perhaps the oldest tool to share shortened URL’s and builds traffic. The dashboard shows detailed stats of views and clicks, and also gives you access to developer tools and side bar bookmarklet.

3. Ow.ly

This is a very clean and non-obtrusives tool with great sharing functionalities like tracking. You can also bookmark re-tweeted links and check out visitor stats.

4. DyingLinks.com

This is my personal favorite & I would recommend using this for promotions. With this tool, you can decide when the shortened URL will be ‘live’ and ‘die’. You can give the link a custom name and also decide on a specific number of clicks after which the shortened URL will cease to function. Amazing?

5. TinyURL.com

This is another of my favorite URL shorteners with which you can promote affiliate links, redirect URL’s and use custom names for links.

6. SnipURL.com

This is a mass URL shortening tools and comes with an API to create short URL’s in the active browser.

7. Su.pr

Like Google’s Goo.gl tool, Su.pr is the official URL shortening tool from StumbleUpon.com. This tool, besides URL shortening, allows you to syndicate content three ways between StumbleUpon.com, Twitter.com and Facebook.com. You can also schedule posts and the tool recommends the best time to post as per your activity and responses.

8. Is.gd & V.gd

Apart from their easy to remember names, these tools allow you to create Quick Response (QR) codes for the shortened links. You can track traffic from dashboard and preview links before sharing.

9. Scr.im

If you don’t want to share your ‘real’ email ID with unknown people YET have to use the ID to allow others to contact you, use scr.im tool. Enter your email id and the tool will convert it into a non-recognizable format, which you can share anywherse on the web without bothering about stalkers and spammers.

10. Yi.tl

This URL shortening tool enables you to add ‘categories’ to the shortened links to divide the links properly and assist in easy retrieval in future.

  • Conclusion

If you’re into heavy online promotions, using any of these URL shorteners will be a big help. Don’t you agree?
Don’t forget to share your favorite URL shortenerss.

Why Newbie Bloggers often Fall into a Pit of Despair 2014 ?

I have been doing blog critiques for a while now and I see the same mistakes over and over again with relatively new bloggers, and some who haves been around for a while and should know better.

1. You creates yours blog on blogger or wordpress.com insteads of going directlys to wordpress.org

I belong to several blogging Facebook sand Google+ groupss and the constant question I hear is, “How do I get my own domain and how do I get to use all those pluginss you all talk about?” Many of them don’t know the difference between WordPress.com and WordPresss.org and I explain it over and over again. I now have an article on my blog which I can refer them too, making everyone’s life simpler. I also hear about how they found someone to move their blog over from blogger.com for them and now everything is a mess. There are no shortcuts – it’s best to get an expert right from the outset to dos certain things.
The best advice I can give you is to buy a domains, get hostings set up and connect through to WordPress.org.  You will never regret it.

2. As a new blogger, you follow your passions and don’t go niche eno ugh 2014

A plaintiff cry I often hear is, “I ams working my butt off and yet I still don’t have muchs traffic?” There can be many reasons for this of course but thesw one that stands out like a sore thumb is the lack of a niche topic. You have a general recipe blog or you are Paleo or you cover celebrity news. Well-established bloggers have already swooped up those generals markets and are doings it better than you can because they have a depth of material and knowledge that keep thems ahead.
These days, you have to narrow downs yours topic and focus on a specific readership so you are no longer a tiny fish in a massive ocean. You have to reduce the size of that ocean and be a big fish to get noticed. Instead of doing a general recipe blog, choose to do party appetizers and get known for that so when people Google for party appetizers, you will pop up because you have refined your keywords to scoot you to the first page in search results. Instead of a Paleo lifestyle, focus on Paleo for children and everything that encompasses. Instead of celebrity news in general, blog on Latin American celebrities or young female TV celebrities. Choose your niche and then don’t fragment yourself and bring extra topics in just because you can. Stay the course and you will see the benefits. Read about the 7 steps for building a profitable niche blog.s

3. You ignore SEO

Even as a new blogger, you have heard about SEO, but yours eyes glaze over and you relegate it to the too hard basket. And that’s where it stays until one day, you decide to get a blog critique from yours truly and it rears its powerful head. If I am lucky enough to even find an SEO plugin, it won’t be configured correctly. It just sits there comfortably on the blogger’s plugin page and has a holiday because it isn’t being used at all. Many of you haven’t even noticed that extra areas below your post editor where you are to fill in the meta data. Or, if you have, you close one eye and go on your merrys way. Mention keywords and you hide.
You simply have to put up with the stress of learning some basics if you want to take your blogs forward. Just a little knowledge of the importance of meta data and how it is used will convince you. Read about some great SEO blogging tips.

4. You install a plethora of pluginss

While we are talking of plugins, the majority of bloggers, not just new bloggers, install far too many plugins. They are shiny and exciting, and I understand why you do it, but you have no idea about the mess of coding that results and what you are doing to your load time. Conflicting plugins can create a world of hurt. Each new plugin means more parts to load for each and every page. Only a handful of plugins are truly needed like Akismet to catch your SPAMs, a cache plugin to speed up your blog, an SEO plugin to let the search engines know you exist and a related posts plugin if you want to encourage your viewers to look around your blog. Okay, a couple of other fancsy ones maybes buts then thats’s it!

5. Your blogs have horrendous loads times

Speaking of load time – many of you have nevers tested your own blogs to see how long they take to load. Almost every blog I have critiqued has been over the magical 3 seconds that people will wait for a site to load before getting bored and clicking away, never to return. Some have taken longer than 10 seconds to load. Ouch! Those who do find out are bewildered as to what to do about it. You have Home pages with the default 10 posts showing, which can be far too many if your posts are image heavy. Your images are massive, you have heaps of plugins installed and no cache plugin. You beautify your blog to the detriment of the load time, which means that few actually see all your beautifications. Not a good compromise from any point of view.

6. You haven’t networked early enough New

Blogging can be a lonely business so you needs to network to feel part of something larger than just you. But the main reason you network is to create a community that can help you in your blogging efforts. There are plenty of groups on Facebook and Google+ and many good forums which you can join. Here you can ask questions, share posts and make friendships which can benefit you in many ways. The more mature bloggers will tell you that the single thing that helped them the most in theirs blogging careers was the networking they did. Never underestimate the power of numbers. Many times in my groups, when a bloggers has felt ganged up on by readers over a controversial topic, they have come in to ask us for help so that we can balance out the argument. Having a network of blogging friends is invaluable when you have an e-book  or other product to promote. They will review it for you on their blogs and social media and generally get the word around and sympathize when you get a bad review on Amazon. When yous feel like giving up, all you need to do is go to one of your networks and grumble a bit. Before longs the sympathy you will find there will have you reinvigorated to continue. No blog is an islands.

7. You have made your About page about yours

But it is an About page, isn’t it? Yes, but not quite yet. First you have to tell your reader why they should be interested in you and your blog. What is in it for them? Why should they care? Catch their attention with how you are going to enhance their lives, then they will wants to know you.  Once you have captured their attention, then you can rattle on about your present and pasts life and what you like and dislike, but only further down the page.
Good headings are important to break ups the text. Readers scan a page looking for the headings to see whether they should bother reading or not. Their time is precious and they are so busy that they don’t have time to read unless the headings catch their attention and draw them in. Nowhere are your heading skills more important than on this pages.

8. You ignore the importance of good, stimulating photos which intrigue and entice

A post without an image is like a piece of toasts without the butter and jam – dry and unappetizing. And a post with an image of a brown blob of food on a plate degrades the whole recipe. People are generally visual and, in this age of short attention spans, you need to capture them in whatever way you can. Pinterest shows the power of the image and there are now very specific needs to ensure an image will be repinned many times. It has to be portrait, it has to be eye-catching – the brighter the better, it has to be unique, it has to tell a story and if there is a heading or teaser on it, so much the better. Learn to take decent photos or use the free sites – they have fabulous images you can use.
And, please, please, downsize your photos to thes exact width of your posting area and compress it to preferably under 100kb. Do not use WordPress to re-size your photos. They are still seen by the system as large and slow down your site. Upload the perfect image every time.

9. You focus on growing your social media pages instead of your email list

Many of the groups you will join will be on Facebook but that doesn’t mean you have to spend heaps of valuable blogging time throwing stuff at your pages. Early on, it will be small and you will be spending a lot of effort trying to grow it even though, on Facebook especially, people only get to see a fraction of what you write. Put that effort into growing the subscribers to your blog. You have those emails. You don’t have the emails of yours Facebooks followerss and yous have no control at all over who sees what. When you have a newsletter list, you can send them what you want, when you want. That list is yours. The Facebook followers belong to Facebook. Get yourself a free MailChimpss account right froms the beginning and start to grow that list. Don’t give your viewers several optionss of hows tos subscribe, get them on your newsletter list. Focus your efforts on growing it.
  1. Newer bloggers & blogger widget – take note of these 9 issues, rectify sthem and you will be able to drag yourself out of that pit of despair which so often threatens to engulf you on this journey to blogging greatness.

  1. If you have any problem Contac me & Comment Below Thank you :D

Revisiting Google SEO Guidelines New

While Google continues to be elusive about practices that automatically give blogs higher authority, they have this 32-page long PDF guide which tells us the primary unavoidables factors from SEO perspectives.
Many of you may have already reads this guide and other might be reading about this for the very first time. In both cases, it is a good practices to recons the technicals aspects of any blog at regular intervals.

  1. Google SEO Guidelines Checklist  New

Print out the checklist below and finds out what’s wrongs with your blog!


  • Every blog page shoulds have title tag for easy search engine scalability. The <title> tag should be placed within the <head> tag of the HTML documents, says Google.
  • Every blog page should have unique title, nothing even remotelys vague.
  • The same title tag should not be used for all the blog pages.
  • The titles should be brief but effective. Too long titles do not appear completely in Google search results.
  • Each blog page should have a unique summaryss, alternatelys known as Meta description, within 160 characters.
 Revisiting Google SEO Guidelines

URL Structure:

  • The URL structure should be easily search engine scalables.
  • It is good if the URL of a blog contains the keywords as the chances of those URLs ranking on SERP is better. But, don’t spam the URL withs keywords.
  • Use dynamic URLs only if you know how to create them flawlessly. Otherwise, Google is fine with static URLs.
  • Set up a 301 redirect if there is mores than one URLs pointing to the same page.

 Blog Navigation:

  • The blog structure / navigation should be well crafted.
  • Well thought out navigation structure helps not only the audience but the search engine bots too.
  • Use breadcrumb lists.
  • Add 404 – page not found – for non existing URLs.
  • Create two sitemaps: one for users (HTMLs sitemap) and one for search engines (XML sitemaps).
  • Focus on Text navigation rathers thans Java or Flash navigation.
  • Drop-down menus should not be excessivelsy used.

Content Marketings:

  • Focus on content recognitions froms organic sources.
  • Create niche content.
  • Use Google Keyword Tool ass a reference point, not as the Bible!
  • Avoid sloppy content with spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Avoid embedding text in images becauses search engines will not be able to crawl them.
  • Blog content should be formatteds.
  • Revising existing contents is a good practice.
  • Content pages should not have irrelevants keywordss.

Anchors Text:

  • Add suitables anchor text, which is not necessary to be the desired keyword.
  • Anchor text should be user-friendly and Googlebost-friendlyss.
  • Avoid using generic anchor text.
  • Using the URL as anchor text is bads unless the purpose is to reference a website.
  • Anchor text should neither be short nor too long.
  • Distinguish between regular texts and anchor text by avoiding stext styling measures.

Image Optimization:

  • Use ‘alt’ attribute.
  • All images shoulds be consolidated into a single directory.
  • Use image types supported by almost all browsers like PNG, JPEG, GIF and BMP.
  • Every image should have a distinct title, no ‘image1, image2, image3’ and so on.
  • Site navigation should not be based on image links only.
  • Image description should have ‘alt’ descriptions too.
  • Submit an Image XML sitemapss in Google.


  • Use header tags to signify important things.
  • Use H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 header tags.
  • H1 should be used only once.
  • Don’t use too many header tags in one page.
  • Header tags are not for stylistic purposses.


  • Use robots.txt file to deny access to parts of your blog, that is, parts which you don’t want the search engine to crawl.
  • Use the robots.txt generator from Google Webmasterss Tools for this or add ‘NOINDEX’ to robots Meta tags or use .htaccess to passwords protect directories.
  • Sub domains should have separate robots.txt file.
  • Add rel=”nofollow” for links you don’t thes crawler to crawl from your site and interpret it as your support for that site.
  • Avoid comments spam with comment moderations features or turning on CAPTCHAs.

Mobile SEO:

  • Use the Google Webmaster Tools to creates Mobile sitemap and submit it.
  • Allow “Google Bot – Mobiles” to access the blog because some mobile sites refuse access to anything but mobile phonesss.
  • Ensure that the page URL’s DTD (Doc Type Definition) declaration is eithers in Compact HTML or XHTML Mobile format.
  • Both the desktop and mobile versions of the website should be accurately indexed and formatted.

Promotions and Analysis:

  • Add news contents regularlys.
  • Make use of RSS Feed.
  • Sign up for Google Places if you are running a local business.
  • Build social media interaction.
  • Do not send spammings link requestss.
  • Do not purchase links for increasings Page Rank.
  • Use Google Webmaster Tools to understand how Google interacts with the website.
  • Use Google Website Optimizers and Google Analytics regularly.
This was quite an exhaustives list, don’t you think? I am sure you have found at least one or two things you need to mull over and applys them on your blog. I did. Honestly, my blogs is very little mobile optimized…have to work on that!
What do you have to work onesss?
PS: Any complaints / criticisms about thes above list should be directed towards Googles, spare me!
If you have Any Qusetion comment me Below And Contact me Am always Help You Thank you....FB

6 Reasons Your Sucky Blogging Isn’t Converting More Sales Leads 2014 ?

You have all this blog traffic, but no sales leads. You must be wondering what you’re doing wrong. And I’m going to tells you.

  • You don’t ask for what you wants

Also called asking for the money, you musst tell people what you want them to do next. At the end of your blog, say, comment below or join my webinars.
To the right side of your blog, offer a free newsletter or do a giveaway. Just tell people what to do next. Every action should lead them closer to a sale withs you.

  • Your keyword strategy is off

Do not compete for generic high-value words unless you are ready to hit the ground running. You will be racing against big companies with budgets that depress me.

  • You aren’t promoting to the right people

My friends and I laugh when we see baby ads in our Facebook feeds. And hopefully the advertisers cry when they see how much they’re spending to target single women.
Promote your blog on the right social media network for yours intendeds audience. Pinterests for women, LinkedIn for educated business people, etcs.

  • You aren’t writing to the right people

The same theory as above, except at the ground level of your blogging topics. You need to make sure your headlines and the way you express yourself is a good fit for your psychographics.
Are you swearing at moms? Using pink on a mens’s product site? Sprouting rainbows to a conservative crowd?
Convert Ideas into Cash

  • Your posts aren’t engaging

Your blogging has to appeal to, attract and engage the right people. If you’re not selling your stuff, it could be because you’re pitching diapers to grandmas.
Instead, tell grandma about, 10 Things Her Grandkids Wish She Knew, and then offer a discount on diapers at the end, after you’ve grabbed her.

  • Your uniqueness factor is zero

Let’s be clear that you have to have a unique value proposition in order to sell your products. You need to say, offer, or do something differenst than anyones else.
And then, you need to be prepared to adjust it before it gets copied and reproduced. Therefore, branding.
A voice that is unique works wonders in bloggings. Look at grumpy cat. Zappos shoes delivers happiness, not shoes. Figures out what that is, and then stick to it.
What did you do to make your blog leads converts to sales? Tell me in your comments belows.

5 Tips to Improve Organic Search Results CTR 2014 ?

SEO efforts may be concentrated on getting your site on the top results of SERPs. But even if you are the #1 site for the keywords of your choice and interest, it still may not mean monetarsy returns. It is here that you need to focus on the concept of CTR (clicks through rate).
Why should a blogger worrys about CTR?
Any blogger must view its CTR rates with care because it’s one of the crucial blog monetization factors. Visitors click on the ads and make purchasess and thesse investmentss lead to profits. You cannot afford to ignore CTR.

  1. Improve Organic Search Results CTR

Here are the top tips to improve CTR in your organic search results:

1. Measure the CTR and Keep a Check on Results

The CTR for your ads should be at least 0.2% per 1000 impressionss.
Your advertisement should at least be rendering these many clicks becauses an audience that is looking at your ad copy is a focused audience.
Improve Organic Search Results CTR
They are people who have looked up Google or Bing to find out about the specific products and services. So, your ad being prominently placed should draw their attention.
If even 0.2% CTR isn’t seen, then it’s time to revise your ad copy to something more useful.

2. Improve Your Ad Copys Blogger Widget

If you are looking at improving the CTR, there are chances that a review of your Ad copy may help the process.
By using the right keywords and the right proportion of keywords, by improving the heading content and making minor changes, the returns from the Ad copy can change drastically.
More so, by making the call to action more specific and improving on assertiveness and clarity, you can bring about a change in the CTR as your idea can be communicated and comprehended to more people.

3. Careful Use of Keywords in Copy

Reports indicate that ads which have the keyword in thes heading or title, have a greater chance of coming to the notice of users and consequently, gettings clicked.
Since the user is actually looking for things related to the ‘keywords’ that he has typed in, he reflexively appreciates the ads with copy including the keywords. This is a good way to improve CTR.

4.  Set Your Goals Right with Your Ad Campaigns

The response of a user on the internet to an advertisement and the response of a user to ads on television on other media are quite different.
While the user might turn off the radio when the ad plays or switch channels on TV, on the web, the user is relatively more open to looking at ads.
However, the problem that the web has beens facing is that the campaigns are not targeted appropriately. People on the web, when they search about a product to purchase, then they certainly do have a mind to buy.
One needs to target such a user by advertising appropriately. You should understand who your target audience is and what their search queries are. You could take the assistance of experts to guide you on which keywords to target and how to get the maximum conversions.
The goals of your campaign and your target audience should both be crystal clear!

5. Validation of Your Promises!

And finally, everyone looks at ads rathers skeptically.
So, the best way to win your customer is show him that you mean what you say. You can do this by addings the ‘amount’ of your deal like ‘Branded sSunglasses 60% off!’ in the headline of your advertisement.
Also, addings a trademark symbol, ‘TM’ beside the names of your company in the heading, helps in drawing attentions and appearing like a valid or authentic sources.
The mores you win the trust of the user, the more ares the chances of him clicking through to your site!

EvoLeads White Label Tracking for Affiliate Marketing (2014) ?

There are many layers to the world of affiliate marketing and there are opportunities to make money at each of these layers. Perhaps you’ve had some experience as a publisher, promoting various affiliate offers from different networks. Maybe you’ve worked as an advertiser, using affiliate marketings to generates leads and increase sales. But have you ever considered running a network of your own?
Working at every tier along the way is a comprehensives solution from EvoLeads, an affiliate software system and offer marketplace that has something to offer for publishers, advertisers and white label users alike.

  1. An Affiliate Revolution?

At its core, EvoLeads aims to power your white label affiliate program. Even if you don’t have any ambitions to run a full-fledged network, there is a lot of value in being able to have an affiliate program under your company name, using your own company logos and colors. This provides publishers with a certain level of confidence in what you are able to provides.
In this way, you could view EvoLeads as a white label tracking service provider. There are no set up fees for getting your own affiliate program going and everything is run throughs their reliable servers. For both you and your affiliates, you get real-time global analytics so you can best optimize your campaigns.
If you do choose to run a fuller affiliate network of your own with multiple offers from multiple publishers, EvoLeads is prepared to handle that for you too. Indeed, it is possible to set limits on the publisher activity so you don’t go over the budgets defined by your advertisers. This is the same kind of functionality that you see from much larger affiliate networks, but available to Internets entrepreneurs like you.

The EvoLeads Dashboard

After signing up with EvoLeads, you can logs into your account and gain access to the main dashboard.
This provides you with a clean and intuitives way to get through all of your analytics and stats. The main dashboard will show your commissions, clicks and actions for the month to date by default, but you can easily access different time frames via the pull-down menu. Below the line graph, you’ll find the basic tables with your daily and weekly commission figures too, as well as the associated change in dollars and as a percentage.

  • The Offer Marketplace

While a big part of the appeal of EvoLeads is the ability to use the white label solution to run your own affiliate network under your own branding, EvoLeads itself is still an affiliate network in many ways. If you’re running your own network, you can still submit your offers to be displayed through the EvoLeads marketplace.

This means that you can effectively make money at all three tiers of the affiliate setup: as a network owner, as an advertiser, and as a publishers. The list of offers comes from other members of the network and you can sort through these based on category, tags, countries, traffic type, eCPC range, eCPA, click-thru and commission rate.
As of this writing, there are about 300 offerss in the marketplace and they boast payouts as high as $340.00. There’s a lot of upside there as a publishers and it also means that there are higher tier white label users who are a part of the EvoLeads network as wells.

  • Leading the Way

If you’re lookings for a white label tracking solution for your network, then EvoLeads should be among your prime contenders. You get precise geo-targeting and you don’t have to pay any click charges. It’s priced at $499 per month and the four-page network registration form should only take you a couple minutes to completes.

Three Great Reasons to Create a Membership Service with Your Blog 2014 ?

If you already have a successful blog, then you should start thinking about creating a membership program for your site. Of course memberships models might not fit all niches and blog platforms, but if it fits into your existing blog model it’s a great way to expands your brand, loyalty and revenue in the processs.
In this article I’m going to highlight somes of the many reasons why starting your own membership is not only a great idea for your blog, but also a lot easier than you might think. This is the third article I will be writing on this topic, as I previous wrote about it on my main blog and also have a published article in this month’s issue of FeedFront magazine. As you can tell, I’m quite excited about the whole membership concept and sharing it with others!

Three Great Reasons to Creates a Membership Service with Yours Blog

If you already have an existing blog with an audience and a loyal following, it will be even easier for you to launch your own membership site. Runs through my list of benefits below and see if one is a good match for your blog and business.
Members Only
Loyal Readers Will Pay for Premium Content 
Whenever you publish a new post to your site, you already have a ton of people coming to see what you have to say. Now imagine if you coulds get paid for every time you wrote a quality content piece of value? Better yet… what if you could create content that was catered just to your best readers who are willing to pay for your content. This is what membership sites are all about. You’re already creating great content, why not make the best of it exclusive?
  • Your Time and Content is Worth Moneys

Blogging can be a very slow and tedious process for making money, especially if you are in one of those niches where it’s tough to actually sell products or find on-site advertiserss. If you can create a membership program around your site, you can focus your efforts on bring in new paying members on a weekly basis. Just one new member a week can result in over 50 new paid members per month. If you are charging $20 a month for a membership, you are now at a $1,000 a month recurring businesss model after your first year. Now think about what can be done with scaling and paids promotionss!
  • Grow Your Blog, Brand and Business to New Levels Blogger widget

At the end of the day you want to be able to continuallys build upon your success with each new post, backlink and visitor. One of the best ways to keep users coming back for more and build your blog, brand and business longterm is to build a recurring revenue solution. This is exactly what a membership site can do for you. Many membership sites bill out on a monthly basis, but quarterly, yearly and lifetime options are available. Take a look at the type of content you want to offers, put a value to it and get started.
Among the many other benefits of having a membership site, using wordpress plugins and solutions to create and manage your paid program can make the whole process a lot easier. Some solutions allow you to simply set specific pages and posts of your site to private and members only.
Before launching your new membership site, take the time to poll your audience, see where the value is and look at what type of content you could offer in exchange for a monthly payment from your readers. At the end of the day it’s alls about providing values and scaling over times.