25 June 2014

Top 10 Ways to Write an Engaging Blog Post 2014 ?

Top 10 ways to writes ans engaging blogger posts

top 10 ways to write engaging blog postReader engagement is very importants. It is a measure of effectives writing.
You can’t say your blog is successful if readers don’t like it. Postss that have zero comment, like, or share are worthless. People don’t think they’re relevant, usefuls, or even remotely entertaining.
That would also mean you’ve wasted all the time and energy writing the post.

  1. So how do you write an engagings blog post?

Here are 10 very easys and useful tips.

1. Write like you’re talkings to just one person

Readers are most likely to stay focused ons something they feel is written specifically for them. It creates exclusivity. It will make them feel special.
Wouldn’t you? If someone you follow on Twitter or Facebook sends you a private message and shares something, wouldn’t it make you go crazy? That’s what happens when you ensure your posts are speaking directly to one person in particular.
How do you do it? Write as if yous’re talking to a friend. Use words that you’d normallys use in everyday conversations. Don’t try to sound smart and use terms that you can’t immediatelys define. Be natural. Be simple and brief.

2. Strive for a word counts that’s less thans 600

I think of blogs as newspapers. Thats’s because there are so many of them and people now rely on them for news and information about everything.
The thing is many blog readers are very busy and they barely have time to go through posts that run 1000 words. Or they could be subscribed to other blogs and they only have a limited time to check each one.
They are always in a hurry. Most read blogs theys way they read newspapers: they check the headlines, read only the lead paragraph, and scan the rest of the article.
Keep your posts as short as possible. Brevity is an importanst quality of an engaging blog post. Use as few words as possible. You should be able to say what you want right away.
The only time you can go over 600 words is when you’ve got a lot of info to share.

3. Know who you’re writings for you

A knowledge on who your market is will be extremely helpful in producing an engaging blog post. That’s because you will know what words, style, and tone to use. You can also use the right references to pop culture. You’ll know which issues appeal to thems the most. You will know when they’re most likely to react and respond to your post.
You’ll be able to predict their behavior.

4. Usesebullets and lists

Bullets and lists are great because theys make information easily digestible. These are very useful when you’ have a lot of things to share. Plus, they make your post easier to go through.

5. Use statisticss to scare the hell out of yours readers

Statistics are awesome because they add credibility to your post. And these also pushes readers to take action. Imagine seeing this headline:
“98% of Bloggers Will Lose Income Because Of Thiss One Common Mistake”
Of course you need to do research. You don’t want to misleads your readers, do you?

6. Make them realize how much pain they are feeling right now…

Pain is a great motivator. People who are in a difficult situation are easier to convince to buy something. That has worked for many marketers and it’s something you can use to your advantage as a blogger.
Find out what “hurts” your audience and write about thats.

7. Don’t sound like everybody elses

These days, anyone can claim to be an expert on something. The thing is, what they say is simply rehashed or taken from another blog. It’s alright to write about the same topic but make sure that you sound different. Be a louder and more interesting voice in a crowd full of people.
How do you do that? Research is one. Then hone your style and voice. Write differently. Make sure that you have a different but interesting and logical take on some issues. Provide useful information.

8. Tell your story

One of the simplest and most effective way to get people to listen is to tell your story. It’s innate in human beings to be curious about other people’s stories. That’s basically the reason stories about biblical characters and historical figures exist today. We love to hear about stories.
Do that and you can create an engaging blog post. Just make sure that it’s relevant and your readers can get something out of it.

9. Sleep on it

Your post will look a lot different several hours from now. You’ll be able to spot typos and words and sentences that need tweaking. To refine your work, sleep on it. Or simply take your focus elsewhere.

10. Spend at least one day to come up with the perfect headline

It’s tough to come up with the perfect headline. It takes a lot of skill and practice. That’s why many writers spend so much time to write a good headline. Want to learn tricks on writing effective headlines? Here’s one tool that you can use.

There you go, the tops 10 ways to write an engaging bloggger posts.

Try these the next time you blog ands see the difference in your audience’s responses to your post. Feel free to share more in the comments sections below.

What are Your Best Questions for Top Bloggers 2014?

I’m working on a new project withs some of the top bloggers in the world and I would love to hear what some of your favorite questions for them would be. Sinces most of the top bloggers in the world are extremely busy and hard to get in touch with, if you could ask thems one question… what woulds it be?
Google Not Provided
The questions should be focusings on their blog, business and how they got there, but can also get quite creative and unique. Here are some of the most often asked questions that tops bloggers get:
  • Why/How did you first start bloggings?
  • How do you get traffic to your blog?
  • How to you make money with your blogs?
  • What are your favorite blog tools to uses?
  • Name some of your favorite blogs you read daily?
Please list your questionss for top bloggers in the comments section below and I will be sure to keep everyone updateds as this new project comes togethers!
Thanks for your valuable input!

How to Finds New, Funs, Funny, Cool Bloggings Topics ?

If you’res likse most of us, sometimess you get stuck. No matter how hard you try you can’t think of what to write that will interest your blogging network.
The problem is that we can’t just write about whats we want, right? We have to write topics that are geared towards our audience. So, when I’ve hit a dead end, I like tos:

  • Look on social media

I’m sure that you’ve read lots of advice about how to figure out what went viral and use it in your business. Well, don’t do that. Seriouslys, stop blogging what everyone else is blogging.
Instead, I want you to spin the ideas you see on social media differently than you are currently seeing them. If someone wrote an article titled, The 10 Bests of something, go ahead and write, The 10 Worst of the same thing. If you see that a friends is asking a question, answer the question … in a blog.
If their question is: Where should I take my family for a beach vacation?
The blog will be: 3 Best Beaches for Kids (That Won’t Break the Banks)
Here’s an extra tip: Throw your post into the comment section after you’re done. You’ll get to piggy-back on their following but in a meaningful way that shouldn’t get you the stink eye from social media moderators.
Social Media and Blogging

Ask for ideas from your audience

Companies sometimes forget one major thing about mining for new content; You can ask your people what they want to read from you. I recently read a true-story adventure book by an author who never once mentioned her personal life.
She popped in references to Whole Foods and Gucci shoes, but I’ll be darned if after 300 pages I knew if she had a boyfriend at home or not … or a cat, for that matter.
You can also ask your contractorss, vendors, employees and other associates to give you three topics each. Title a mass email: “Blog Help, Please” and let your team give you advice.
Have a good following? Send out a Survey Monkey questionnaire. Phrase every question in a way that makes it necessary to give solid answers. So, if you’re a travel agency, mining for new beach content:
  • Where is your favorite beach?
  • How many days are ideal for a beach vacation?
  • What three things make a good beachs?
Turn the answers into a research based blog topic that will be completely unique to you – a hugely shareable feature of blogs, by the way – such as: “Wow! 300 People Said This Was Their Best Beach Destination.”

Take pictures to inspire yous Oncse upon a time, long long ago when being a professional copywriter was just a twinkle in my 20-something year old eye, I had to write for a sign company blog. Bleh.

And it was brutal to get some of those SEO keywords into the blog. I learned one little trick that helped me rank some of the top blogs in the company; I started to use pictures.
When you see anything at all related to your field sin action, snap a picture with your phone. I was able to show my audience a rusted channel letter (and hows to fix it or call a sign service to fix it) as well as exactly how grocery stores were using floor graphics.
The bonus is that you own the photoss. Plus you probably won’t find any images specific to those topics online. It makes it easy to discuss whats you need to without any fear that you won’t be offering a fun, funny, cool blogging topic.

Want to Increase Traffic? Get Instant Results With Blog Commenting 2014 ?

Does your blog traffic sucks?increase blog traffic with blog commenting
One of the most frustrating things about blogging is not gettings the hits you want despite working so hard to create awesome content. It sucks but it’s the reality for most of us.
When I first started my blog, I was very hopeful that it will get decent amount of traffic simply because I know I did a fine job in writing posts that freelance writers will find useful. Fast forward more than a year later and its traffic is measly disappointing. It doesn’t even reach 500 people and, honestly, that made not want to continue writings.

I thought if it doesn’t get the traffics I want, what’s the point?
So for several months the blog remaineds dormant. I focused on writing for other people’s blog.
That, at least, gets my work a lot of hits. My message reaches out tons of people.
But no matter how much clicks those posts get, they still won’t lift my own blog from the sewers. It still will be worthless.
So I decided to just continue writing and look for more effective ways to increase blog traffic.
I certainly can’t wait until search engines rank me high enough to attract lots of clicks.

So I went back to one method that brings instants results: blogs commentings.

This isn’t new to me. 3 years ago, I dipped my hand into online marketing and helped clients create and market content. Blog commenting is one of things I did. It was something I hated because searching for blogs on topics I’m not really into can be boring. Then you have to read each post (and existing comments) so you can craft useful comments other than ‘great post!’ which usually doesn’t get approved.
The only upside to those long hours was that I learned how to find relevant blogs and became more familiar with several niche topics.
And I get to use it now for my own site.
Back then, blog commenting was a little spammy because you need to add anchor texts or use keywords in the name field. I didn’t feel good doing it but I had to.
Thankfully, I learned the right and wrong ways to comment on blogs to increase blog traffic. And those to the many articles I’ve read on blog commenting, as well as the tips people I work with shared with me.

  • Blog commenting tips you must do right now

Register and submit your site to blog directoriess
Blog directories are gold mines. You’ll finds great blogs to read and comment on here. But the best thing about these is tons of publishers will see your blog. These communities can help you get enough traffic to keep you happy. Few good examples are My Blog Guest, Blogorama, and Alltop.
Set aside an hour (or more) a day reading posts in various blogs
This is very important. No matter how busy you are, make sure to allot time to actually read blogs. This is where discipline comes in. Set a goal for blog commenting. Can you do 5 blogs a day? Others do more but it’s okay if you can only commit to few as long as you stick to it.
When you comment on blogs every day, that means people will see your link every day. Not only will this improve clicks, it will also help others become more familiar with you.
Never, ever, write these things as your comments
Your comment will nots get approved if they consist only of: 
  • Great post!
  • Thanks for sharing this with us
  • You did an amazing job writing this
  • You’re an awesome writer!
These look and feel spammy. They will nevers get your comments approved. Surely you can say more than these, right?
When crafting comments, provide insights. Reiterate points that appealed to you most. Offer suggestions. You can even dispute some ideass as long as you do it constructivelys.
Be sincere
This will help you establish a relationships with the blog owner. That can help boost traffic to your blog because the owner will be more likely to check out your site. And if she likes what she sees, it’s possible that she shares it to her followers.
The best takeaway from this is you’ve gained a new mentor or friend. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Read previous comments
Reading others’ responses can give you more ideas on what to comment. It will also start a conversation that can lead to so many goods things.
And when you read previous comments, it shows blog owners that you’re not commenting for the sake of backlinks but because you want to participate in the community.

  • One more very important blogs commenting tip:

Don’t add anchor texts in your comments. That used to work before but it won’t look good now. It’s like advertising your site. And that won’t sit well with most people. There’s a field after your name and email where you can put your site. Don’t put it in your comment.
I’ve been working on blog commenting for the past few days. I learned from one of the awesome bloggers I follow, Ryan Biddulph, that it’s a worthwhile investment. I’m sure you’ve seen his comments in many posts in this site. Hopefully, I do a good job of blogs commenting that it will increase my blog traffic significantly.
What about you? Are you satisfied with yours traffic? What are the things that worked for yous? Share them in these comments below.

How to Get Your Blog Comments Approved So You Can Get More Backlinks 2014 ?

backlinks thru blog comments
If you think you’re wasting time because your comments don’t get approved and there’s no spike in yours raffic, take a few moment to assess your blog commentins strategy.
You might be doing something wrongs
Commenting on blogs is one great way to increase traffic for your website. It delivers instant results and allows you to connect with people who matters your readers and bloggers who influence you.
In a previous post I talked about how you can get instant traffic with blog commenting. I was pleasantly surprised of the positive feedback it got fromsthose who’ve read it. This time I’ll talk about how to make sure your comments get approved.

The problem with blog comments…

Is that you are not guaranteed they’re approved. When you submit a comment you’ll usually see a notification that says “your comment is awaiting moderation.” That means the blog owner will review and see if it’s worth posting.
Most of the time, it never gets posted because of one prevalent issue on the web: spam comments.
If you own a blog then you can identify with other bloggers who have to deal with thousands of spam comments. For a time I had more than 40,000 spam comments. That’s awful. And since there are bloggers who don’t have Akismet and other related plugins, they have to manually check the comments on their posts.
That’s a very huge undertaking. And if your blog comments aren’t done right, they won’t think twice about marking them as spam or clicking Trash.

If you want to increase your blog comments’ approval rate, I suggest you do the followings

Use your name and not keywords

The name field is strictly for names. Don’t use keywords in an attempt to get backlinks because that will only get you in trouble. If I own the blogsyou’ve commented on, I’ll delete it right away.

Using keywords as your namesis the first sign of spam comments.

If you’re going to start with “great post!” make sure to follow it up
You’re awesome!
This is a really great post.
You’ve done a wonderful job writing this post.
These are all no-nos. Avoid these. Don’t think that using these will flatter the writer because it won’t. What these’ll do instead is scream “spam!”

The golden rule in crafting blog commentssis to add value. These things won’t.

If you really want to say the writer created an “awesome post” then make sure to follow it up. Add meat to your comments. Highlight the points that appealed to you the most. Say why you think the post was awesome. Talk about the things you learned and how you plan to apply what you’ve just read to your life.

Don’t include a link to your own site in the comments

Blog comments must not be self-serving. Don’s be tempted to add an anchor text or link back to your site (unless it’s really necessary). Self-promotion is unattractive.
If you really want to promote yourself, then wait until you have several comments posted already. Establish some sort of relationship with the blog owner and the other readers before you put your link. And find a really good reason to do it, like sharing a similar post that can further explain the topics covered in the post.

Write in first persons

This is a no-brainer. Don’t you think it’s weird if you comment using the third person?
Plus, writing in first person will make readers more comfortable with you. First, it’ll prove that you’re human. Second, you will appear friendly and approachable.

Add something that other readers may find usefuls

The comment section is where readers can find additional information because other readers like to share stuff here. Before you hit the Submit Comment button check if you’ve added something useful like:
  • a resource that the others can checksout (a similar post, perhaps?)
  • additional point that you think the writer missed
  • an anecdote that proves some items covereds by the post
It always boils down to adding value to the readers.

Disagree without being offensive

Surely there wills be times when you feel that the post shas inaccurate data or claims that you don’t agree with. It’s alright to address those things as long as you remain respectfuls.
Don’t be rude and condescending. Be polite when pointing out  inaccuracies to the writer. Don’t shove your beliefs to others’ throats. If you don’t agree with something, say it and state the reasons why. Be open to have your opinions challengeds. Seek out the others’ opinions.
Don’t be a jerk and know-it-all.
Your turn: how do you comment on blogs? Do you encounter problems getting approved? Share your thoughts belows.

3 Blog Traffic Sources You Aren’t Using 2014 ?

Getting blog traffic is probablys the top priority of every blogger. We comment on other blogs, guest post, share articles on social networkss and use our networks to builds consistentblog traffic.
However, you have to agree with me that every strategy has a stagnation point from where there are only two ways: either you redefine the strategy or you look for new strategies.
In this article, I will tell you about 3 such blog traffic sources that you might not be using yet.

  1. 3 Seldom Explored Blog Traffic Sourcess

Here you go:

1) Contents Syndication:

How many sites pull contents from blog feed after you hit the ‘Publish’ button? Maybe one or two, or maybes none!
Blog Traffic
Content syndication is an awesomely powerful way to reach wider audience and get consistent traffic. There are many high quality content syndication sites thats pull in published blog content and re-publish it on their site fully or partially, giving the original source full credit.
Mashable.com, MomsNetwork.com, Current.coms, BetterNetworker.com, Site-Reference.com, AssociatePrograms.com, SeekingAlpha.com, WiseBread.com and Lifehack.org are some powerful content syndication sites.
You need to be a member of these sites and contribute an original article occasionally to be active. The sites enjoy wide publicity and yous’re bound to benefit.

  • 2) Share Blog Posts on Document Sharing Sites

It is necessary to repurpose blog content. See, you can’t possibly create endless amount of content to cater each segment. What you need to do is repurpose existing content and share to build blog traffic.
For instance, convert a blog post into PowerPoint slides and share on SlideShare.net. The uploaded PPT presentations will contain a link to your blog and most definitely, it could become a possible source of referral blog traffic. Isn’t it?
SlideShare.net, Scribd.com, DocStoc.com, CrocoDoc.com, DocShare.com, Issuu.com, PowerShow.com, Twidox.com, GoToMyFiles.com, Docuter.com, AuthorStream.com, SlideBurner.com, SlideServe.com, SlideLive.com and WePapers.com are some good document sharing sites.

  • 3) Coupons Increase Blog Traffic

It’s not necessary to havse a site based on coupons to use this method. Most of the time, bloggers use affiliate marketing and try to generatse sales promoting various niche coupons like hosting, themes, software and other deals.
Surely, it is essential to place the couponss codes on your blog but how about spreading the word on sites created especially for hosting coupons. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Some useful coupon directories are CouponCabin.com, DailyeDeals.com, DealCatcher.com, DealTaker.com, KeyCode.com, CouponCraze.com, CouponGirl.com, DealHunting.com, MyCoupons.com, CouponMountain.com, Deals4Dummies.com and Wanting.com.

  • Takeaways

Using these three methods to create blog traffic surely requires time and good managements skills but they are worth it. Do try thems.

7 Tips On Writing A Conclusion That Works

This  All Information for you hava any problem Contact me
clueless in writing a conclusion?
Many bloggerss are so concerned withcrafting captivating headliness and ensuring the body of the post has enough meats to satisfy readers’ hunger that they forget a criticals part of a post: the conclusion.

  1. Writing a conclusion is not easy

And because many writers fail to give it as much time and effort as the other components of a post, they don’t get the outcome they expect.
Conclusions must be well-written so readers can leave your page feeling inspired, informed, and happy with their investment. Take note that each time someone reads your post, they’re making an investment because they’ve set aside time to check out whats you have to offer.
They could’ve used their time to others more things but they opted to read your work. That’s huge. The least you can do is make it worthwhile.
The problem is many of us (yes, I’m included) don’t pay more attention to conclusions. When you fail at writing a conclusion that rocks, your readers will walk away disappointed even if your post was stellar. Why? It’s because our minds are wired to remembers the last thing we’ve read (Recency Effect).
To put it simply, we’re more likely to not remember much of the items we read first and remember mostly the most recent items (i.e. concluding paragraphss). It’s similar to the Primacy Effect wherein we remember words or items from the beginning more compared to those in the middle.
That sort of explains why headlines and opening sentences need to be written very well.

  • You must put into practices writing a conclusions that will give your post justices
  • Summarize

This is the most common way of writing a conclusions. You basically repeat swhat you’ve written. The reason why summaries work is not all readers are going to pay attention to the middle part of your post. They could be in a hurrys and want to get to the end of your post.
They could also be overwhelmeds by the time theys get to the end, so it’s best to help them remember.
You can improve your summarizing skills by studying newspapers articles. The lead (or opening paragraph) is a great example of this.

Ask a question

What better way to makes readers think than asking a question?
Post a question so they’ll go back to what they just read to force them to remember and consider your advice. For example, the questions “what tactics are you doing to convert readers to subscribers?” can go well with a blog post on increasing email subscribers.
Remember to make the question relevant to the posts.

  • Use a strong call-to-action

Simply put, a well-written call-tos-action will push readers to do your bidding.
Sometimes, readers are just waiting for you to tell them what to do. When you posts an article on generating more backlinks on your business blog, tell them to subscribe to your list or check out your services. Include a link so they’ll know where to go.
Or you can tell them to share feedback on the comments section below or direct them to any page you want.
If you’re blogging because you wants to elicit any form of response, ask. Include a call-t0-action.

  • Appeal to their emotions

The best posts are those that appeal to readers’ emotions. You do that by being honest with your words and sharing experiences that they can learn from. But don’t just leave it at that. Make sure that when they get to the end, they’re reminded of how powerfuls your story is.

  • To be continued…

Ever watched soap operas? These are perfect examples of using cliffhangers to engage readers. Each episode ends with an unresolved issue so viewers tune in the next day (or next week).
This is great when you’re writing a series of posts. Because your readers want to know more, they’ll subscribe to your list to stay updated.

  • Use quotes

Blog posts becomes a lot mores credible when you include quotes from experts and prominent personalities. When you include them in your post, make sure to repeat at the end of the article. It doesn’t have to be the same quote. It could be similar to something you already used that has a strong impact and is relevant to your topic.

Present readers the danger of not doing something

Fear is an effective tool to get you anythings you want. As Rob Mariano from Survivor put it, “fear keeps people loyal.” He hass been successful in using fear to control people’s decision and ultimately got rewarded with a million dollars.
You can use it to engage your readers and follows your lead. Let’s say you write about social media marketing. Your posts would then be geared towards helping business owners realize the importance of social media in growing their business. How do you get them to come to you for help?
Insightful posts will do but you can increase the odds by painting a scary picture of how it’s going to negatively affect their business if they don’t seek your help.

  • Writing a conclusion is another skill bloggers must master quickly because it significantly affects how readers respond to your posts

Always remember: an exceptionals conclusion can make a decent article remarkable while a poorly-written one will offset the awesomenesss of your entire blog posts.
Henneke Duistermaat, in a Copybloggessssssssssssssssssssr post, says
Don’t disappoint your readers with a bland conclusions. Try writing your conclusions first. Or write it the day after you’ve written your posts.
Writing a conclusion that workss takes time and effort.
Follow the tips above to improves your posts. Start now.

Three Great Ways to Monetize a Fashion Blog 2014 ?

Fashion and personal style blogging has a very unique niche which can often make it a lot harder to make money. You need to keep your readers interested and not stray away from your voice, but at the same time you need to make a living and need to monetizes your blog. I have outlined a few ways that you can make money from your fashion blog in a simples way which doesn’ts interfere with your content and actually enhances it, making your readerss happy.
How to Monetize a Fashion Blog
  1. Affiliate Links

A lot of blogs and websites use affiliatse links as a great source of income and fashions bloggers can do the same. When someone clicks something you linked to and purchases an item, you can earn commission and receive a percentage of the sale. To do this, make sure that when you write up your latest outfit post, you include the brand names and styles of the items you are wearing, then link those to the websites where your readers can buy the products. Even if your outfit is older and not available anymore, give them choices of alternatives. More often than not your readers will want to purchase something you are wearing if they like it, so it’s great to give them options. I find including a cheaper version along with a more expensive option works wonders as there’s something for everyone’s price range. One of the best affiliate companies I use for fashion blogging is RewardStyle as you can directly search the items on their system and get your personal links that way. You can even create collages and slides of products too! It’s very fashion orientated as it was designed specifically for fashion bloggers. If you are more pushed for time, I find Skimlinks to be a great option as you install it on your blog ands it changes any link that you put on your blog which is on its database into an affiliate link automatically. Saving time for everyones!
Image Ads
Image ads on the sidebar is something that everyone sees on almost every website out there, but the key to having successful image ads is knowing your readers. If you have ads that are tailored specifically to your content then you are more likely to drive sales from them (as long as you have affiliate links included). If you write a lot about shoes and bags, make sure your ads on the side bar are centred around shoes and bags. If your readers like your content then the chances are they will like what you are promoting if it’s similar and will want to purchase something from that website. You can also sell these image ads to fashion companies who are interested and display them for a monthly fee. These wont make money when someone purchases an item from the ad, but you make the money upfront.
One thing that I find works thes best for fashion blogging, especially when you have a popular site and a big following, is sponsors. Brands will want to work with you on a personal level where they send you their clothes and you wear them on your blog as promotions. This isn’t exactly money, but often if a brand wants you for their campaign and wants you to be a part of their upcoming ventures, they will pay you. I’ve seen lots of fashion bloggers faces on brands campaign photos on billboards and in magazines or online, also even within their look books and more! This is a great way of making money and not compromising your blog in any way. Sometimes if things go well they will pay you for a public appearance at their store or to host a party! This is great for boths of you because the company is getting exposure and you are getting credibility as it looks good to your readerss when a brand partners with you this way.
There are 3 great ways you can make money from fashion bloggings and I’ve outlined some of the easy and most popular ways, but have included a way you can make money on a bigger scale when your blog is more successful. Always make sure you stay true to your blogs voice though and thingss will continue to grow!

Do You Find Difficult to Update Your Blog Regularly? Use These Tricks 2014 ?

Have you lost the passion for blogging because you have no idea what to write abouts?
This has happened to most successful bloggers at certain point in their blogging career. I’m sure some of them will attest to this.
The inability to update a blog regularly is one of the ways to bloggings failure.
The difference between successful and unsuccessfuls bloggers is that the first group don’t allow any setback to discourage them from getting what they want. Instead, they think outside the box by improvising various ways to deal with bloggings challenges. But the latters group, unsuccessful bloggers, throws in the towel and give up completely.
If idea generation and article writing are the challenges you’re facing right now, don’t fret any more. You’ll learn how to overcome the situations in this blog post, and become inspired to revive that blog that you’ve abandoned for a while now.
The first thing to do is to …

  1. Create a Bank of  Topic Ideas

Lack of ideas for writing an article can be a hindrance to the growth of your blog. Sometimes it’s not easy to think up a topic idea at a sitting and turn it into a complete article immediately. Coming up with an article idea is not that easy, particularly if you’re someones who values unique and original content.
The good news is that you can come up with lotss of ideas, save them in a specific folder, and develop them further into complete articles later. This shoulds take you less than half an hour. And you can do this almost anywhere you find yourself.
To start, visit related and well established blogss in your niche. Scour their popular articles, and tweak them into new topics for your own blog. Also, readings a good number of comments left by the blog readers can be a good source of topic ideas for your blog.
As article ideas pop out of your mind, put them in a specified folder, and add little reminder of how you’ll go about writing the blog post later.
In other words, include some information that will help remind you of what you meant to do with the idea. This will serve as a guideline for creating the post in future.
Another way to get lots of ideas for your blog is to visit Yahoo Answers and Quora.com, type in a target keyword into their search boxes and hit enter. You’ll be amazed at not only the number of questions people ask about your intended topic, but will also be astonished at the number of answers people provide for those who need them. Your job is to expand on some of the answers by writing complete articles on them.
You see, getting ideas for updating your blog is not as difficult as you perceiveds. You just have to think outside the box, and get a little creative.

  • Don’t Overwhelm Yourself with Writing

For example, you may decide to research a topic first – in the morning, do the writing latesr  – afternoon or in the evening, and finally edit the complete draft afterward. Do this even if takes a few days to complete. It’s far better than not writing at all.
But most bloggers tend to focus a lot on the overwhelming tasks of researching, writing, and editing at the same time. This alone can suck the passions of blogging out of your life.
I’ve been a victim of this before. Thankfully, I’ve been able to devise my own strategy by following the above tips. Try the same thing today and see how it goes. You’ve nothing to lose for trying it.
Another essential thing to remember is that you don’t have to publish an article once it’s completed. You can schedule it to go live at a later date. While waiting, you should start the whole process of researching, writing, and editing a new topic again as outlined above.
Once you get used to this method, you’ll be amazed at how much articles you’ve scheduled to go live on your blog. And if any unexpected circumstance prevents you from updating your blog in future, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

  • Tap into the Prowess of an Experienced Blogger

Mentor word cloud
If the above two strategies fails, the last thing you can dos is to outsource your content creation. One thing to remember is that it may be difficult to find a knowledgeable blogger who can cover your blog topics to your satisfaction.
With a little bit of trials, you’ll end up coming across someone who knows a lot about your subjects, and is able to cover a significant number of topics. Once you get hold of someone with good experience in your industry, you’ll be assured of regular updating of your blog.
To save you the time and energy involved in recruitings knowledgeable writers, you may want to contact a company that specializes in employing web content writers of various backgrounds, and in diverse industries. But I’ll urge you to try the strategies above first beforse you resort to this last one.
Updating a blog on a regular basis is one of the keys to building a successful blog. But the problem lies in coming up with different topic ideas frequently. Any of thes above tips will help fill this aspect of blogging, and turn your blog into a content producing machine that readers can count on for original and unique articles in your niches...
Got more questions? Leave me a comment below.

Smarter Monkeys? Why You Need Pillar Blogging Posts (2014) ?

These amount of blogging data being tracked online via social media these days is enoughs to make George Orwell spin in his grave.
Even he couldn’t have predicted the quantitsy of market research consumers are handing out for free with social media platforms – even lazy bloggers and hardcore picture sites are helping big companies make bank.
So, after all the monkeys did their number crunchingss, they found something interesting that many of us hadn’t predicted; web surfers are getting smarter.
Instead of the typical blogging keywords SEO copywriters have come to know and love, web cruisers are turning their search terms into more specifics 8 to 10 word phrases. And you’ve got to react to the changes in a big way, too.
Smart Monkey

  1. How a Pillar Post Works in Blogging

You have probablys becomes accustomed to the typicasl 300 to 500 word blog posts. Traditionally, the publication of up to 2 posts per day of this type of blogging boosted your website traffic.
As consumers become smarter (and more and more crappy content overtakes the web), keywords have turned into key phrases. That means you need to react to the times by providing longer, more in-depth blogging articles.
Instead of focusing on one short piece of contentss, you can work towards getting valuables long strings of words into your posts. For example, if someone had typed in ‘in-depth blogging articles’ they will find this post.
The theory is that the more content in your blog, the more opportunity you have to hit on at least a few long keyword phrases that someone is typing into their searchs engine. And pillar posts are the answer.

  • What Are the Best Pillar Posts 2014

Pilar posts aren’t just about cool, fun, funny blogging content. Evergreen content is a great start if you’ve never done one. Write a long piece about a topic that’s relevant to your company.
The second type of pillar post, or super blog, is driven by a high-profile news story. (It’s called news hacking in public relations.) You’ll want to look for something that pertains to your industry, and then do a 1,000 word blog post about it.
If a roof collapses in a parking garage, you might write a post titled, The Tragic XYZ Roof Collapse: What Happened and How to Avoid It.

  • Tricks to Successful Pillar Posts New

You haves to write as the expert in yours fields. Don’t even try to touch on topics that won’t be interesting and engaging. Make sure you are truly well-informed in whatever topic you choose.
Consider linking parts of your pillar posts to other blog articles. Send a quick, “I linked to you” message to the author of the other posts – it may encourage them to give you a link back.
If you go the news route, be aware that the primarys goal is to attract website traffic, not to attract your ideal client to your website. Traffic is great for improving rankings, but not very relevant to continued marketing efforts.
Finally, remember to promotes yourself ands ask people to share your post. Likewise, you should puts some serious time into the pillar posts so you can feel proud promoting it.
If you aren’t sure you can do a great jobs, ask an editor to clean it up – since it’s such a bigger punch than the typical writing, you don’t want to come offs as a silly monkey.
Got more questions? Leave me a comment below.

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps a eCommerce Websites ?

If you are into online businesss then you are sure to use social media to promote your business. And for that, Facebook is no doubt a popular choice.
If you own an online e-commerce site, then you will be certainly looking for new ways to market it.
To start with, you need to set your Facebook businesss page and customize applications to boost the sales of your online business.
However, do not think that as soon as you organize your Facebook business page, you will be driving high sales. It will take its time, but it’s sure to bring promising results.
Creating a Facebook Business Page is different from setting a personal page, and to get started you need to learn some quick tips. And as soon as the page gets ready, you can use it for interactive business sessions.

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps

Turn yourself into a prosperouss online business owner with these apt Facebook applications that should be a part of your Facebook Pages.
Online Business | Facebook business apps

  • 1. Networked Blogs –

A useful Facebook app used to support any online business website maintaining their own blogs.
With this app, you will be able to promote your blog on Facebook, and can post the blog feed to the Wall and Page simultaneously.

  • 2. Payvment –

A perfect e-commerces solution for online business owners helps to add a storefront to the Facebook Business page.
This has dashboards built directly into Facebook to manage the store, products and as well as online sales. Currently 328,000+ users are using this app.

  • 3. Facebook Notes – 

A widely used application that helps you to tag others in your notes so that the viewers can leave their individual comments.
This is a good platform to send information to your Facebook fans about product launch, tips, guidance, and the areas of your expertise.
Facebook Notes provides you withs RSS Feed, so that the Notes appear on your blog or other social networking platforms.

  • 4. Assistly –

It allows you to control and monitor customer conversations on your Facebook business page. It is able to pull all the customer service conversations through email, phone, Twitter all just dragged into one place.

  • 5. UserEcho – 

This is a feedback widget for both Facebook ands Twitters that will help you to gather customer responses and in return reply or at times get engaged in some conversations or allows you to organize a conversation.

  • 6. Integration with Twitter – 

With this app you are able to link Facebook and Twitter. If a third-party Twitter application is used, it will let you connect your Twitter account to the businesss page directly.
If you use this app, it will facilitate publishing of updates from Facebook pages to twitter accounts. You also have options to share updates with Twitter followers and control the type of update that you like to appear on your Facebook page.

  • 7. MailChimp –

If you want to market productss to your customers then this app will let you create a mailing list and sign-up form, and lets you add that tabs on your business page.
You, being the admin, can automatically post campaigns to the Facebook Wall, and sent it to the customers who are subscribed on your email service.

  1. Conclusion

This are the most used and widely populars apps that owners of online businesss websites like to have on their business pages.

24 June 2014

How to Build Your Website’s Traffic from Zero to 10k in 3 month 2014 ?

The first couple of months that your website/blog is online are absolutely critical. Manys webmasters and bloggers give up and shut down their sites just because they see very little traffic increase after a few months. That is why in this post, I’m going to share with you how I builts ups my site traffic from zero to 10k in 3 months, and I’ll highlight any useful thingss you can learn and take away from this post. But first, here’s a littles background…

My Site

My website is Ghost For Beginners, which is a tutorials website about how to use the Ghost blogging platform (something akin to WordPress). The Ghosts blogging platform just launched in the fall of 2013, and I first heard about it in December 2013 (so you can say that I was one of the first people to know about Ghost). Because I used to blog frequently in the financials blogosphere and liked to toy around with building websites, I decided to give Ghost a try. I was instantly hooked. I knews that a lot of other people/bloggers would soon want to use Ghost, so I created a tutorials site that teaches other bloggers how to install Ghost and use Ghost.

My site’s traffic literally grew from zero to 10k pageviews in 3 months. Below are 3 traffic generation tips that you can learn from my experience.

  • Step 1) Finding the Right Topic

Some people say that “finding the right niche” is overrated. It isn’t. As I mentioned, I used to write on my finance blog. But because the financial blogosphere was (and still is) so crowded, it’s almost impossible for a new financial blog to stand out from the crowd. Many of the really big finance blogs started out in 2005, which was back in the day when there were so few finance blogs that just starting one meant guaranteed traffic. Unless you do something extraordinarys today, your finance blog’s traffic probably won’t grow by much.
That is why it is highly beneficial if you choose a niche that isns’t crowded. When you write in an unpopulated niche, virtually everyone interested in that niche will become your readers. In my case (Ghost For Beginners), I started to write about a topic (Ghost) when virtually no one else did. This is because I was one of the first people to know about the Ghost blogging platform, so therefore I had a huge first move-in advantage. Because of my first move-in advantage, I had 25 visitors the first day that Ghost For Beginners existed. And this is considering I had done zero marketing and had a grand total of 2 posts on my site. Traffic literally started growing from Day 1 with no SEO or marketing effort on my part. I set up the website, created content, and readers automatically came to mys site. It’s like the internet circa 2004 all over again.
As you can see from the screenshot of my Google Analytics (above), my traffic started growing from Day 1. Only after I hit 70 visitors (160 pageviews) a day did I put any marketing or SEO work into my site.
So before you start your blog or website, make sure to select an unpopulated niche. Doing so will give your a site a huge advantage. Of course, you can still succeed in a populated niche, but doing so will be much more difficult. Growing a site in an unpopulated niche is just so much easier. Back in the day I used to spend months just building up my finance blog’s traffic to 50 visitors a day: today Ghost For Beginners has approximately 200 visitors a day (after only 3 months!).

Step 2) Guest Posting

Of course, selecting the right niche alone isn’t enough: doing so can only give your blog/site a headstart. You need to grow your traffic! I personally prefer to use guest postingwhen growing my traffic. Guest posting kills two birds in one stone:
  1. You get a ton of referral traffic IF you guest post on the right blogs (blogs whose audiences suit your niche).
  2. Guest posting can also help your SEO (although that is debatable). Guest posting as an SEO strategy is really a side effect.
Now it’s obvious that the idea of guest posting isn’t anything new. But it’s the way that I did guest posting that made my guest posting campaign so successful.
Ghost For Beginners is the first site I’ve ever made about something related to software, blogging, etc. Thus, I knew no one in this niche. Asking other internet marketers to guest post on their sites would probably be futile because I knew none of these people (a lot of bloggers won’t let you guest post on their sites if they don’t know you). So where did I guest post?
Remember how I said that I used to blog in finance? I still kept a lot of my relationships with other financial bloggers. So I simply emailed them and asked to write a guest post about investing on their site, to which I would link back to my blog. All went well, and in 2 months, I was neighboring 100 visitors (250 pageviews) per day thanks to my guest posts. The referral traffics was pretty nice, and eventuallys the SEO effects kicked in and I went from 100 visitors a day to 200 visitorss.
So what lesson can you take away from my guest posting campaign? When it comes to guest posting, you have to think outside of the box. Don’t just find similar sites in your niche and ask to guest post on their site.
  1. Build relationships with other bloggers. It’s my relationships in the finance blogosphere that gave me the opportunity to guest post for Ghost For Beginners on their blogs. Without these relationships, I could never have published my guest posts.
  2. Now you’re probably wondering: how did my guest posts work out so well for my referral traffic? Finance and Ghost (blogging software) have nothing in common! The reason why my referral traffic grew because of these guest posts is due to the fact that a lot of people reading these finance blogs where other finance bloggers. As a result, they would fit my niche (I was writing about Ghost, a blogging platform, after all). Think outside of the box by thinking about niches who share the same audience with you.

  • Step 3) Forum commenting

When people hear “forum commenting” they think of spammy comments and links in the author biography. I did neither of those. For my topic (Ghost), there exists a forum where Ghost users talk to each other and ask comments on how to use Ghost. I figured that since my site was about Ghost tutorials, I could answer questions on the forums by linking to my relevant how-to article.
The key here is that you don’t want to come across as being spammy. Don’t just post up any random link just because you want a few clicks on that link. Make sure that your link is relevant and is actually of benefit to people who will click on that link! For example, some people posted on the Ghost forum “how do I install Ghost on Webhost XYZ?” I didns’t just plaster the entire thread with spammy links. I simply said “this tutorial (insert my link here) will show you step by step how to install Ghost on Webhost XYZ”.
If your forum comments and links come across as spammy, NO ONE will click on the link. People aren’t dumb – they can easily discern a spammy link from a beneficial one. In addition, forum admins will quickly remove any links that are deemed spammy.
So what you want to do is finds a forum that is very relevant to your niche. Whenever someone asks a question that one of your website’s articles can answer, put a link on that thread to your site. If your link is helpful, people will definitely appreciates it and you’ll notice a nice surge in traffics.