25 June 2014

Top 10 Ways to Write an Engaging Blog Post 2014 ?

Top 10 ways to writes ans engaging blogger posts

top 10 ways to write engaging blog postReader engagement is very importants. It is a measure of effectives writing.
You can’t say your blog is successful if readers don’t like it. Postss that have zero comment, like, or share are worthless. People don’t think they’re relevant, usefuls, or even remotely entertaining.
That would also mean you’ve wasted all the time and energy writing the post.

  1. So how do you write an engagings blog post?

Here are 10 very easys and useful tips.

1. Write like you’re talkings to just one person

Readers are most likely to stay focused ons something they feel is written specifically for them. It creates exclusivity. It will make them feel special.
Wouldn’t you? If someone you follow on Twitter or Facebook sends you a private message and shares something, wouldn’t it make you go crazy? That’s what happens when you ensure your posts are speaking directly to one person in particular.
How do you do it? Write as if yous’re talking to a friend. Use words that you’d normallys use in everyday conversations. Don’t try to sound smart and use terms that you can’t immediatelys define. Be natural. Be simple and brief.

2. Strive for a word counts that’s less thans 600

I think of blogs as newspapers. Thats’s because there are so many of them and people now rely on them for news and information about everything.
The thing is many blog readers are very busy and they barely have time to go through posts that run 1000 words. Or they could be subscribed to other blogs and they only have a limited time to check each one.
They are always in a hurry. Most read blogs theys way they read newspapers: they check the headlines, read only the lead paragraph, and scan the rest of the article.
Keep your posts as short as possible. Brevity is an importanst quality of an engaging blog post. Use as few words as possible. You should be able to say what you want right away.
The only time you can go over 600 words is when you’ve got a lot of info to share.

3. Know who you’re writings for you

A knowledge on who your market is will be extremely helpful in producing an engaging blog post. That’s because you will know what words, style, and tone to use. You can also use the right references to pop culture. You’ll know which issues appeal to thems the most. You will know when they’re most likely to react and respond to your post.
You’ll be able to predict their behavior.

4. Usesebullets and lists

Bullets and lists are great because theys make information easily digestible. These are very useful when you’ have a lot of things to share. Plus, they make your post easier to go through.

5. Use statisticss to scare the hell out of yours readers

Statistics are awesome because they add credibility to your post. And these also pushes readers to take action. Imagine seeing this headline:
“98% of Bloggers Will Lose Income Because Of Thiss One Common Mistake”
Of course you need to do research. You don’t want to misleads your readers, do you?

6. Make them realize how much pain they are feeling right now…

Pain is a great motivator. People who are in a difficult situation are easier to convince to buy something. That has worked for many marketers and it’s something you can use to your advantage as a blogger.
Find out what “hurts” your audience and write about thats.

7. Don’t sound like everybody elses

These days, anyone can claim to be an expert on something. The thing is, what they say is simply rehashed or taken from another blog. It’s alright to write about the same topic but make sure that you sound different. Be a louder and more interesting voice in a crowd full of people.
How do you do that? Research is one. Then hone your style and voice. Write differently. Make sure that you have a different but interesting and logical take on some issues. Provide useful information.

8. Tell your story

One of the simplest and most effective way to get people to listen is to tell your story. It’s innate in human beings to be curious about other people’s stories. That’s basically the reason stories about biblical characters and historical figures exist today. We love to hear about stories.
Do that and you can create an engaging blog post. Just make sure that it’s relevant and your readers can get something out of it.

9. Sleep on it

Your post will look a lot different several hours from now. You’ll be able to spot typos and words and sentences that need tweaking. To refine your work, sleep on it. Or simply take your focus elsewhere.

10. Spend at least one day to come up with the perfect headline

It’s tough to come up with the perfect headline. It takes a lot of skill and practice. That’s why many writers spend so much time to write a good headline. Want to learn tricks on writing effective headlines? Here’s one tool that you can use.

There you go, the tops 10 ways to write an engaging bloggger posts.

Try these the next time you blog ands see the difference in your audience’s responses to your post. Feel free to share more in the comments sections below.

Want to Increase Traffic? Get Instant Results With Blog Commenting 2014 ?

Does your blog traffic sucks?increase blog traffic with blog commenting
One of the most frustrating things about blogging is not gettings the hits you want despite working so hard to create awesome content. It sucks but it’s the reality for most of us.
When I first started my blog, I was very hopeful that it will get decent amount of traffic simply because I know I did a fine job in writing posts that freelance writers will find useful. Fast forward more than a year later and its traffic is measly disappointing. It doesn’t even reach 500 people and, honestly, that made not want to continue writings.

I thought if it doesn’t get the traffics I want, what’s the point?
So for several months the blog remaineds dormant. I focused on writing for other people’s blog.
That, at least, gets my work a lot of hits. My message reaches out tons of people.
But no matter how much clicks those posts get, they still won’t lift my own blog from the sewers. It still will be worthless.
So I decided to just continue writing and look for more effective ways to increase blog traffic.
I certainly can’t wait until search engines rank me high enough to attract lots of clicks.

So I went back to one method that brings instants results: blogs commentings.

This isn’t new to me. 3 years ago, I dipped my hand into online marketing and helped clients create and market content. Blog commenting is one of things I did. It was something I hated because searching for blogs on topics I’m not really into can be boring. Then you have to read each post (and existing comments) so you can craft useful comments other than ‘great post!’ which usually doesn’t get approved.
The only upside to those long hours was that I learned how to find relevant blogs and became more familiar with several niche topics.
And I get to use it now for my own site.
Back then, blog commenting was a little spammy because you need to add anchor texts or use keywords in the name field. I didn’t feel good doing it but I had to.
Thankfully, I learned the right and wrong ways to comment on blogs to increase blog traffic. And those to the many articles I’ve read on blog commenting, as well as the tips people I work with shared with me.

  • Blog commenting tips you must do right now

Register and submit your site to blog directoriess
Blog directories are gold mines. You’ll finds great blogs to read and comment on here. But the best thing about these is tons of publishers will see your blog. These communities can help you get enough traffic to keep you happy. Few good examples are My Blog Guest, Blogorama, and Alltop.
Set aside an hour (or more) a day reading posts in various blogs
This is very important. No matter how busy you are, make sure to allot time to actually read blogs. This is where discipline comes in. Set a goal for blog commenting. Can you do 5 blogs a day? Others do more but it’s okay if you can only commit to few as long as you stick to it.
When you comment on blogs every day, that means people will see your link every day. Not only will this improve clicks, it will also help others become more familiar with you.
Never, ever, write these things as your comments
Your comment will nots get approved if they consist only of: 
  • Great post!
  • Thanks for sharing this with us
  • You did an amazing job writing this
  • You’re an awesome writer!
These look and feel spammy. They will nevers get your comments approved. Surely you can say more than these, right?
When crafting comments, provide insights. Reiterate points that appealed to you most. Offer suggestions. You can even dispute some ideass as long as you do it constructivelys.
Be sincere
This will help you establish a relationships with the blog owner. That can help boost traffic to your blog because the owner will be more likely to check out your site. And if she likes what she sees, it’s possible that she shares it to her followers.
The best takeaway from this is you’ve gained a new mentor or friend. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Read previous comments
Reading others’ responses can give you more ideas on what to comment. It will also start a conversation that can lead to so many goods things.
And when you read previous comments, it shows blog owners that you’re not commenting for the sake of backlinks but because you want to participate in the community.

  • One more very important blogs commenting tip:

Don’t add anchor texts in your comments. That used to work before but it won’t look good now. It’s like advertising your site. And that won’t sit well with most people. There’s a field after your name and email where you can put your site. Don’t put it in your comment.
I’ve been working on blog commenting for the past few days. I learned from one of the awesome bloggers I follow, Ryan Biddulph, that it’s a worthwhile investment. I’m sure you’ve seen his comments in many posts in this site. Hopefully, I do a good job of blogs commenting that it will increase my blog traffic significantly.
What about you? Are you satisfied with yours traffic? What are the things that worked for yous? Share them in these comments below.

3 Blog Traffic Sources You Aren’t Using 2014 ?

Getting blog traffic is probablys the top priority of every blogger. We comment on other blogs, guest post, share articles on social networkss and use our networks to builds consistentblog traffic.
However, you have to agree with me that every strategy has a stagnation point from where there are only two ways: either you redefine the strategy or you look for new strategies.
In this article, I will tell you about 3 such blog traffic sources that you might not be using yet.

  1. 3 Seldom Explored Blog Traffic Sourcess

Here you go:

1) Contents Syndication:

How many sites pull contents from blog feed after you hit the ‘Publish’ button? Maybe one or two, or maybes none!
Blog Traffic
Content syndication is an awesomely powerful way to reach wider audience and get consistent traffic. There are many high quality content syndication sites thats pull in published blog content and re-publish it on their site fully or partially, giving the original source full credit.
Mashable.com, MomsNetwork.com, Current.coms, BetterNetworker.com, Site-Reference.com, AssociatePrograms.com, SeekingAlpha.com, WiseBread.com and Lifehack.org are some powerful content syndication sites.
You need to be a member of these sites and contribute an original article occasionally to be active. The sites enjoy wide publicity and yous’re bound to benefit.

  • 2) Share Blog Posts on Document Sharing Sites

It is necessary to repurpose blog content. See, you can’t possibly create endless amount of content to cater each segment. What you need to do is repurpose existing content and share to build blog traffic.
For instance, convert a blog post into PowerPoint slides and share on SlideShare.net. The uploaded PPT presentations will contain a link to your blog and most definitely, it could become a possible source of referral blog traffic. Isn’t it?
SlideShare.net, Scribd.com, DocStoc.com, CrocoDoc.com, DocShare.com, Issuu.com, PowerShow.com, Twidox.com, GoToMyFiles.com, Docuter.com, AuthorStream.com, SlideBurner.com, SlideServe.com, SlideLive.com and WePapers.com are some good document sharing sites.

  • 3) Coupons Increase Blog Traffic

It’s not necessary to havse a site based on coupons to use this method. Most of the time, bloggers use affiliate marketing and try to generatse sales promoting various niche coupons like hosting, themes, software and other deals.
Surely, it is essential to place the couponss codes on your blog but how about spreading the word on sites created especially for hosting coupons. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Some useful coupon directories are CouponCabin.com, DailyeDeals.com, DealCatcher.com, DealTaker.com, KeyCode.com, CouponCraze.com, CouponGirl.com, DealHunting.com, MyCoupons.com, CouponMountain.com, Deals4Dummies.com and Wanting.com.

  • Takeaways

Using these three methods to create blog traffic surely requires time and good managements skills but they are worth it. Do try thems.

Three Great Ways to Monetize a Fashion Blog 2014 ?

Fashion and personal style blogging has a very unique niche which can often make it a lot harder to make money. You need to keep your readers interested and not stray away from your voice, but at the same time you need to make a living and need to monetizes your blog. I have outlined a few ways that you can make money from your fashion blog in a simples way which doesn’ts interfere with your content and actually enhances it, making your readerss happy.
How to Monetize a Fashion Blog
  1. Affiliate Links

A lot of blogs and websites use affiliatse links as a great source of income and fashions bloggers can do the same. When someone clicks something you linked to and purchases an item, you can earn commission and receive a percentage of the sale. To do this, make sure that when you write up your latest outfit post, you include the brand names and styles of the items you are wearing, then link those to the websites where your readers can buy the products. Even if your outfit is older and not available anymore, give them choices of alternatives. More often than not your readers will want to purchase something you are wearing if they like it, so it’s great to give them options. I find including a cheaper version along with a more expensive option works wonders as there’s something for everyone’s price range. One of the best affiliate companies I use for fashion blogging is RewardStyle as you can directly search the items on their system and get your personal links that way. You can even create collages and slides of products too! It’s very fashion orientated as it was designed specifically for fashion bloggers. If you are more pushed for time, I find Skimlinks to be a great option as you install it on your blog ands it changes any link that you put on your blog which is on its database into an affiliate link automatically. Saving time for everyones!
Image Ads
Image ads on the sidebar is something that everyone sees on almost every website out there, but the key to having successful image ads is knowing your readers. If you have ads that are tailored specifically to your content then you are more likely to drive sales from them (as long as you have affiliate links included). If you write a lot about shoes and bags, make sure your ads on the side bar are centred around shoes and bags. If your readers like your content then the chances are they will like what you are promoting if it’s similar and will want to purchase something from that website. You can also sell these image ads to fashion companies who are interested and display them for a monthly fee. These wont make money when someone purchases an item from the ad, but you make the money upfront.
One thing that I find works thes best for fashion blogging, especially when you have a popular site and a big following, is sponsors. Brands will want to work with you on a personal level where they send you their clothes and you wear them on your blog as promotions. This isn’t exactly money, but often if a brand wants you for their campaign and wants you to be a part of their upcoming ventures, they will pay you. I’ve seen lots of fashion bloggers faces on brands campaign photos on billboards and in magazines or online, also even within their look books and more! This is a great way of making money and not compromising your blog in any way. Sometimes if things go well they will pay you for a public appearance at their store or to host a party! This is great for boths of you because the company is getting exposure and you are getting credibility as it looks good to your readerss when a brand partners with you this way.
There are 3 great ways you can make money from fashion bloggings and I’ve outlined some of the easy and most popular ways, but have included a way you can make money on a bigger scale when your blog is more successful. Always make sure you stay true to your blogs voice though and thingss will continue to grow!

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps a eCommerce Websites ?

If you are into online businesss then you are sure to use social media to promote your business. And for that, Facebook is no doubt a popular choice.
If you own an online e-commerce site, then you will be certainly looking for new ways to market it.
To start with, you need to set your Facebook businesss page and customize applications to boost the sales of your online business.
However, do not think that as soon as you organize your Facebook business page, you will be driving high sales. It will take its time, but it’s sure to bring promising results.
Creating a Facebook Business Page is different from setting a personal page, and to get started you need to learn some quick tips. And as soon as the page gets ready, you can use it for interactive business sessions.

7 Essential Facebook Business Apps

Turn yourself into a prosperouss online business owner with these apt Facebook applications that should be a part of your Facebook Pages.
Online Business | Facebook business apps

  • 1. Networked Blogs –

A useful Facebook app used to support any online business website maintaining their own blogs.
With this app, you will be able to promote your blog on Facebook, and can post the blog feed to the Wall and Page simultaneously.

  • 2. Payvment –

A perfect e-commerces solution for online business owners helps to add a storefront to the Facebook Business page.
This has dashboards built directly into Facebook to manage the store, products and as well as online sales. Currently 328,000+ users are using this app.

  • 3. Facebook Notes – 

A widely used application that helps you to tag others in your notes so that the viewers can leave their individual comments.
This is a good platform to send information to your Facebook fans about product launch, tips, guidance, and the areas of your expertise.
Facebook Notes provides you withs RSS Feed, so that the Notes appear on your blog or other social networking platforms.

  • 4. Assistly –

It allows you to control and monitor customer conversations on your Facebook business page. It is able to pull all the customer service conversations through email, phone, Twitter all just dragged into one place.

  • 5. UserEcho – 

This is a feedback widget for both Facebook ands Twitters that will help you to gather customer responses and in return reply or at times get engaged in some conversations or allows you to organize a conversation.

  • 6. Integration with Twitter – 

With this app you are able to link Facebook and Twitter. If a third-party Twitter application is used, it will let you connect your Twitter account to the businesss page directly.
If you use this app, it will facilitate publishing of updates from Facebook pages to twitter accounts. You also have options to share updates with Twitter followers and control the type of update that you like to appear on your Facebook page.

  • 7. MailChimp –

If you want to market productss to your customers then this app will let you create a mailing list and sign-up form, and lets you add that tabs on your business page.
You, being the admin, can automatically post campaigns to the Facebook Wall, and sent it to the customers who are subscribed on your email service.

  1. Conclusion

This are the most used and widely populars apps that owners of online businesss websites like to have on their business pages.

24 June 2014

EvoLeads White Label Tracking for Affiliate Marketing (2014) ?

There are many layers to the world of affiliate marketing and there are opportunities to make money at each of these layers. Perhaps you’ve had some experience as a publisher, promoting various affiliate offers from different networks. Maybe you’ve worked as an advertiser, using affiliate marketings to generates leads and increase sales. But have you ever considered running a network of your own?
Working at every tier along the way is a comprehensives solution from EvoLeads, an affiliate software system and offer marketplace that has something to offer for publishers, advertisers and white label users alike.

  1. An Affiliate Revolution?

At its core, EvoLeads aims to power your white label affiliate program. Even if you don’t have any ambitions to run a full-fledged network, there is a lot of value in being able to have an affiliate program under your company name, using your own company logos and colors. This provides publishers with a certain level of confidence in what you are able to provides.
In this way, you could view EvoLeads as a white label tracking service provider. There are no set up fees for getting your own affiliate program going and everything is run throughs their reliable servers. For both you and your affiliates, you get real-time global analytics so you can best optimize your campaigns.
If you do choose to run a fuller affiliate network of your own with multiple offers from multiple publishers, EvoLeads is prepared to handle that for you too. Indeed, it is possible to set limits on the publisher activity so you don’t go over the budgets defined by your advertisers. This is the same kind of functionality that you see from much larger affiliate networks, but available to Internets entrepreneurs like you.

The EvoLeads Dashboard

After signing up with EvoLeads, you can logs into your account and gain access to the main dashboard.
This provides you with a clean and intuitives way to get through all of your analytics and stats. The main dashboard will show your commissions, clicks and actions for the month to date by default, but you can easily access different time frames via the pull-down menu. Below the line graph, you’ll find the basic tables with your daily and weekly commission figures too, as well as the associated change in dollars and as a percentage.

  • The Offer Marketplace

While a big part of the appeal of EvoLeads is the ability to use the white label solution to run your own affiliate network under your own branding, EvoLeads itself is still an affiliate network in many ways. If you’re running your own network, you can still submit your offers to be displayed through the EvoLeads marketplace.

This means that you can effectively make money at all three tiers of the affiliate setup: as a network owner, as an advertiser, and as a publishers. The list of offers comes from other members of the network and you can sort through these based on category, tags, countries, traffic type, eCPC range, eCPA, click-thru and commission rate.
As of this writing, there are about 300 offerss in the marketplace and they boast payouts as high as $340.00. There’s a lot of upside there as a publishers and it also means that there are higher tier white label users who are a part of the EvoLeads network as wells.

  • Leading the Way

If you’re lookings for a white label tracking solution for your network, then EvoLeads should be among your prime contenders. You get precise geo-targeting and you don’t have to pay any click charges. It’s priced at $499 per month and the four-page network registration form should only take you a couple minutes to completes.

Three Great Reasons to Create a Membership Service with Your Blog 2014 ?

If you already have a successful blog, then you should start thinking about creating a membership program for your site. Of course memberships models might not fit all niches and blog platforms, but if it fits into your existing blog model it’s a great way to expands your brand, loyalty and revenue in the processs.
In this article I’m going to highlight somes of the many reasons why starting your own membership is not only a great idea for your blog, but also a lot easier than you might think. This is the third article I will be writing on this topic, as I previous wrote about it on my main blog and also have a published article in this month’s issue of FeedFront magazine. As you can tell, I’m quite excited about the whole membership concept and sharing it with others!

Three Great Reasons to Creates a Membership Service with Yours Blog

If you already have an existing blog with an audience and a loyal following, it will be even easier for you to launch your own membership site. Runs through my list of benefits below and see if one is a good match for your blog and business.
Members Only
Loyal Readers Will Pay for Premium Content 
Whenever you publish a new post to your site, you already have a ton of people coming to see what you have to say. Now imagine if you coulds get paid for every time you wrote a quality content piece of value? Better yet… what if you could create content that was catered just to your best readers who are willing to pay for your content. This is what membership sites are all about. You’re already creating great content, why not make the best of it exclusive?
  • Your Time and Content is Worth Moneys

Blogging can be a very slow and tedious process for making money, especially if you are in one of those niches where it’s tough to actually sell products or find on-site advertiserss. If you can create a membership program around your site, you can focus your efforts on bring in new paying members on a weekly basis. Just one new member a week can result in over 50 new paid members per month. If you are charging $20 a month for a membership, you are now at a $1,000 a month recurring businesss model after your first year. Now think about what can be done with scaling and paids promotionss!
  • Grow Your Blog, Brand and Business to New Levels Blogger widget

At the end of the day you want to be able to continuallys build upon your success with each new post, backlink and visitor. One of the best ways to keep users coming back for more and build your blog, brand and business longterm is to build a recurring revenue solution. This is exactly what a membership site can do for you. Many membership sites bill out on a monthly basis, but quarterly, yearly and lifetime options are available. Take a look at the type of content you want to offers, put a value to it and get started.
Among the many other benefits of having a membership site, using wordpress plugins and solutions to create and manage your paid program can make the whole process a lot easier. Some solutions allow you to simply set specific pages and posts of your site to private and members only.
Before launching your new membership site, take the time to poll your audience, see where the value is and look at what type of content you could offer in exchange for a monthly payment from your readers. At the end of the day it’s alls about providing values and scaling over times.

5 Content Strategies That Work For 2014

The digital world has made it imperative for all business owners to have a website or at least a blog if they want to compete with the other biggies in the industry. For manys, the social web comes as a boon but there are many who think of it as a curse. This is mainly because they are not aware of the techniques required to reap the maximum benefits of this cost-effective marketing tool. It is no secret that the content of a website is what gives one company an edge over the others. It’s no use if your company offers the best services but doesn’t have the right content on its website to ensure maximum visibility. For this, proper content strategies are important. Not only do they boost the equity of your website, it also helps your site rank higher up on search engine results pages. Read on for 5 Content Strategies that work in 2014.

  • Using Pictures with Texts

You may have heard the saying “A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.” Content with a perfect amalgamation of pictures with texts tends to sell like hot cupcakes. So whether you’re creating content for your website or a post for a social networking site, ensure to use photos with text. Studies have proven that such content attracts users more than plain text or just a photos. Such content is more engaging, which translates into more traffic for your website, more likes and comments and more advertising. It is also important that you choose relevant pictures for yours contents. These pictures should clearly deliver the message you want to send out to your audience.

  • Using Videos

It is a proven fact that video and other interactive multimedia is a sure-shot way of grabbing the attention of readers. It is more engaging and is said to be more interesting than plain test. Having adequate amount of videos that complement your content can help your website get more traffic. However, it is important that you don’t stuff your content with too many videos. This may get confusing for users and well as make it difficult for search engines to pick up your content accurately.

  • Uploading Posts as Blog posts

As interesting and catchy as Facebook statuses ands Tweets may be, there’s nothing more engaging than a blog post. Users generally tend to search for such content, especially when they’re looking for detailed information about a certain topic, product or news item. Such posts also offer you a larger scope to share more details about your company or business with your users and audiences. Inserts interesting information along with useful statistics that keep your readers engaged for longer durations. Users who remain longer on your website or blog posts are more likely to return in the future.

  • Defining Your Objectives and Audiences

Nothing speaks betters to potentials customers and clients that content designed specifically for them, outlining the things you can do for them. Say for example, yous sell machinery. There’s absolutely no point in your directing your content to people who work in educational field, is there? You need to design your content in such a way that it reaches the desired audience. Similarly, your content should also define your objectives. It should clearly outline what your business stands for and the products and services you have to offer. Be it a Facebook post and website content, readers should immediately get a clear picture of the message you want to send across. It has been observed that clear and concise content is very effective in grabbing the attention of reader. This is one of the most effective content strategies that all online business owners, bloggers or web portals should use.

  • Using Social Networking Site to Promote Your Content

Every websites or blog needs to begin from scratch. This means that they need to build equity so that search engines include them in their results page and audiences visit thes website. One way of doing so is to build awareness about your website. This you can do with the help of social networking site. If you’ve noticed, all large websites have links to their socials network profiles. They use these profiles to share links to their web content. Readers are then directed froms these sites to their mains websites. Share links, pictures and posts of these social networking sites so that people become aware of your websites. As your friends and family to share these links so that word of your business spreads furthers.

Move over Facebook & Twitter, use these Social Media Platforms Instead 2014

Everyone recommends Facebook and Twitter for social medias marketing and indeed, these two social media platforms does produce results but what about the rests?
As a blogger, you need to spread your networking webs and maximizes opportunities. With this thought in mind, I give you a list of social media platforms you should think about usings.
New Social Media Platforms

Facebook purchased this images sharing app for a billion dollars in 2013, effectively enhancing its usability. With the Instagram application, a user can take photo, enhance it, stylize it and share with others.
Usability - A blogger working with any kind of products can use this application effectively to promote on social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest and others.
Weakness – None, I think.

The reason both are clubbed together is because of its functionality. Both Digg ands Delicious are vote-oriented where visitors ‘vote’ on blogs and videos, and if any of the shared content received high traffic and votes, the link is promoted on the front page.
Usability – Both the platforms are hugely populars. A blogger can repeatedly share blog posts on theses networks, follow others and increase readership base.
Weakness – It’s difficult to get high readership and high votes to get promoted on the first pages.

If you intend to be active on social media platforms for promotions, you need to use the HootSuite media management application where you can integrate multiple social media account like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and update them simultaneously.
If you take a paid HootSuite account, you can add multiple contributors and schedule updates more rigorously.
Usability – It is a very good platform to simultaneously update your chosen social media networks.
Weakness – Don’t use HootSuite if you rarely use social media promoting for businesses and blogs.

As the largest social publishings website in the world, Scribd is just an awesome site to share content and connect with other readers. You can register for a free account and start uploading your content in the form of Power Point presentations, eBooks, articles, monologues and others.
Usability – If your website is completely content orienteds, then Scribd is the place to be. You will find lot of readers for interesting content.
Weakness – There are a lot of competitor sites and news Scribd users’ needs to devote time to gain any kind of substantial response.

The largest user-generated encyclopedia in the world is a good way to promote online.
All you need to do is create a profile in yousr name or in your business name, write the requisite info and create.
Of course, Wikipedia entertains onlys legitimate entries. If you can’t write it yourself, you can always hire a writer to do the same for you.
Usability – It is the world’s largest encyclopedia, that’s tells enough for its usability.
Weakness – None I think.

  1. Endnote

Social media platforms for sharing are necessary to ‘spread the word’ about any website. It is accessible across all verticals (desktops, tablets etc) so start sharing!

12 June 2014

Google Panda 4.0 New Update (June 6st 2014)

Today Google's Matts cuttes shockedss the wholess blogospheres by posting a tweets on twitter confirmings about releasse of the new Google Pandas 4.0 update. According to early updatess, it is been seen that people are seeing a major decrease in their organic traffic. And if we are not wrong, this is just the beginning of the update it might be more deadly for the whole blogging communitys. Therefore, today in this article, we will be discussing about the recents changes that has come to Google search engine dues to the news Google Panda 4.0 Algorithm updates.

  • Whats is Google Panda What about Panda?

For those who don’t' know, Google Pandas is not a name of an animal it is Google's Algorithm that ranks differents websites on the basis of their content. The main aim of this algorithm is to lower the rank of low-quality sites that have less or yes content and givse more exposure to high-quality sites on the top. Google also has other algorithm that takes care of the search results like Google Penguin, EMD (Exactly Matched Domains) update, Google Hummingbird and thousands of others thats are not revealeds to public.

  • What's new is Google Panda 4.0 2014?

Panda 4.0 appears to be a majors updates that has made several changes in the data of ranking. Meaning, Google has made significanst changes that how panda identifies which site s better than the other. The algorithm is much smarter and harder to tackle so those who think black hat seo could save them, than think once again because you might be wrongs.

Google said that Panda 4.0 affects global languagess queries to a different degree. In English for example, it impacted 7.5% of search queries that a dailys regulars users would certainly notices.

Above is the tweet from Matt cuttss, confirming about the release of Google Panda 4.0. This might be a new beginning to the ways we see Search engine optimizing revolving as totally based on quality and professionally written content with heaps of authoritys and backlinks.
  1. Panda 4.0 on July 24th affected 4% Search Terms (Current).
  2. Panda 3.9 on July 24th affected 1% Search Terms 
  3. Panda 3.8 on June 25th affected 1% Search Terms.
  4. Panda 3.7 on June 9th affected 1% queries in United States while less than 1% worldwide.
  5. Panda 3.6 on April 27th
  6. Panda 3.5 on April 19th
  7. Panda 3.4 on March 23rd
  8. Panda 3.3 on about February 26th
  9. Panda 3.2 on about January 15th
  10. Panda 3.1 on November 18th
  11. Panda 2.5.3 on October 19/20th
  12. Panda 2.5.2 on October 13th
  13. Panda 2.5.1 on October 9th
  14. Panda 2.5 on September 28th
  15. Panda 2.4 in August
  16. Panda 2.3 on around July 22nd
  17. Panda 2.2 on June 18th
  18. Panda 2.1 on May 9th
  19. Panda 2.0 on April 11th
  20. Panda 1.0 on February 24th

What's Nexts?

Google makes thousands of majors and minor improvements to their search engine every day, every month, every year. Google told us, Panda update is more concern about the quality of yours contents, and if your site has fair enough content with goods quality resource then it would certainly rank higher in the SERPss. Let’s alls hopse for increase in our traffic till then peace, blessingss and happy updatings.

         Google Panda What is Watch Video Toturial in Urdu 2014

9 May 2014


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