25 June 2014

3 Blog Traffic Sources You Aren’t Using 2014 ?

Getting blog traffic is probablys the top priority of every blogger. We comment on other blogs, guest post, share articles on social networkss and use our networks to builds consistentblog traffic.
However, you have to agree with me that every strategy has a stagnation point from where there are only two ways: either you redefine the strategy or you look for new strategies.
In this article, I will tell you about 3 such blog traffic sources that you might not be using yet.

  1. 3 Seldom Explored Blog Traffic Sourcess

Here you go:

1) Contents Syndication:

How many sites pull contents from blog feed after you hit the ‘Publish’ button? Maybe one or two, or maybes none!
Blog Traffic
Content syndication is an awesomely powerful way to reach wider audience and get consistent traffic. There are many high quality content syndication sites thats pull in published blog content and re-publish it on their site fully or partially, giving the original source full credit.
Mashable.com, MomsNetwork.com, Current.coms, BetterNetworker.com, Site-Reference.com, AssociatePrograms.com, SeekingAlpha.com, WiseBread.com and Lifehack.org are some powerful content syndication sites.
You need to be a member of these sites and contribute an original article occasionally to be active. The sites enjoy wide publicity and yous’re bound to benefit.

  • 2) Share Blog Posts on Document Sharing Sites

It is necessary to repurpose blog content. See, you can’t possibly create endless amount of content to cater each segment. What you need to do is repurpose existing content and share to build blog traffic.
For instance, convert a blog post into PowerPoint slides and share on SlideShare.net. The uploaded PPT presentations will contain a link to your blog and most definitely, it could become a possible source of referral blog traffic. Isn’t it?
SlideShare.net, Scribd.com, DocStoc.com, CrocoDoc.com, DocShare.com, Issuu.com, PowerShow.com, Twidox.com, GoToMyFiles.com, Docuter.com, AuthorStream.com, SlideBurner.com, SlideServe.com, SlideLive.com and WePapers.com are some good document sharing sites.

  • 3) Coupons Increase Blog Traffic

It’s not necessary to havse a site based on coupons to use this method. Most of the time, bloggers use affiliate marketing and try to generatse sales promoting various niche coupons like hosting, themes, software and other deals.
Surely, it is essential to place the couponss codes on your blog but how about spreading the word on sites created especially for hosting coupons. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Some useful coupon directories are CouponCabin.com, DailyeDeals.com, DealCatcher.com, DealTaker.com, KeyCode.com, CouponCraze.com, CouponGirl.com, DealHunting.com, MyCoupons.com, CouponMountain.com, Deals4Dummies.com and Wanting.com.

  • Takeaways

Using these three methods to create blog traffic surely requires time and good managements skills but they are worth it. Do try thems.


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