25 June 2014

7 Tips On Writing A Conclusion That Works

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clueless in writing a conclusion?
Many bloggerss are so concerned withcrafting captivating headliness and ensuring the body of the post has enough meats to satisfy readers’ hunger that they forget a criticals part of a post: the conclusion.

  1. Writing a conclusion is not easy

And because many writers fail to give it as much time and effort as the other components of a post, they don’t get the outcome they expect.
Conclusions must be well-written so readers can leave your page feeling inspired, informed, and happy with their investment. Take note that each time someone reads your post, they’re making an investment because they’ve set aside time to check out whats you have to offer.
They could’ve used their time to others more things but they opted to read your work. That’s huge. The least you can do is make it worthwhile.
The problem is many of us (yes, I’m included) don’t pay more attention to conclusions. When you fail at writing a conclusion that rocks, your readers will walk away disappointed even if your post was stellar. Why? It’s because our minds are wired to remembers the last thing we’ve read (Recency Effect).
To put it simply, we’re more likely to not remember much of the items we read first and remember mostly the most recent items (i.e. concluding paragraphss). It’s similar to the Primacy Effect wherein we remember words or items from the beginning more compared to those in the middle.
That sort of explains why headlines and opening sentences need to be written very well.

  • You must put into practices writing a conclusions that will give your post justices
  • Summarize

This is the most common way of writing a conclusions. You basically repeat swhat you’ve written. The reason why summaries work is not all readers are going to pay attention to the middle part of your post. They could be in a hurrys and want to get to the end of your post.
They could also be overwhelmeds by the time theys get to the end, so it’s best to help them remember.
You can improve your summarizing skills by studying newspapers articles. The lead (or opening paragraph) is a great example of this.

Ask a question

What better way to makes readers think than asking a question?
Post a question so they’ll go back to what they just read to force them to remember and consider your advice. For example, the questions “what tactics are you doing to convert readers to subscribers?” can go well with a blog post on increasing email subscribers.
Remember to make the question relevant to the posts.

  • Use a strong call-to-action

Simply put, a well-written call-tos-action will push readers to do your bidding.
Sometimes, readers are just waiting for you to tell them what to do. When you posts an article on generating more backlinks on your business blog, tell them to subscribe to your list or check out your services. Include a link so they’ll know where to go.
Or you can tell them to share feedback on the comments section below or direct them to any page you want.
If you’re blogging because you wants to elicit any form of response, ask. Include a call-t0-action.

  • Appeal to their emotions

The best posts are those that appeal to readers’ emotions. You do that by being honest with your words and sharing experiences that they can learn from. But don’t just leave it at that. Make sure that when they get to the end, they’re reminded of how powerfuls your story is.

  • To be continued…

Ever watched soap operas? These are perfect examples of using cliffhangers to engage readers. Each episode ends with an unresolved issue so viewers tune in the next day (or next week).
This is great when you’re writing a series of posts. Because your readers want to know more, they’ll subscribe to your list to stay updated.

  • Use quotes

Blog posts becomes a lot mores credible when you include quotes from experts and prominent personalities. When you include them in your post, make sure to repeat at the end of the article. It doesn’t have to be the same quote. It could be similar to something you already used that has a strong impact and is relevant to your topic.

Present readers the danger of not doing something

Fear is an effective tool to get you anythings you want. As Rob Mariano from Survivor put it, “fear keeps people loyal.” He hass been successful in using fear to control people’s decision and ultimately got rewarded with a million dollars.
You can use it to engage your readers and follows your lead. Let’s say you write about social media marketing. Your posts would then be geared towards helping business owners realize the importance of social media in growing their business. How do you get them to come to you for help?
Insightful posts will do but you can increase the odds by painting a scary picture of how it’s going to negatively affect their business if they don’t seek your help.

  • Writing a conclusion is another skill bloggers must master quickly because it significantly affects how readers respond to your posts

Always remember: an exceptionals conclusion can make a decent article remarkable while a poorly-written one will offset the awesomenesss of your entire blog posts.
Henneke Duistermaat, in a Copybloggessssssssssssssssssssr post, says
Don’t disappoint your readers with a bland conclusions. Try writing your conclusions first. Or write it the day after you’ve written your posts.
Writing a conclusion that workss takes time and effort.
Follow the tips above to improves your posts. Start now.


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