23 June 2014

Optimize Comments In Blogger

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a greats  and most interesting part in world of Blogging. With SEO you turn visitors towards your site  and in SEO comments section is a awesome part which i like the most these smalls tips helps you to increase your visitor and site rank.  In comments people who comment on your site leave his site link also and other visits it also and the person who commented get backlinks without any effort so you need to off following links in no follow relation lets do this 

  1. How To Optimize Comments In Blogger?

To optimize comments section you need to just follow these steps 
  • Go to Blogger > Template
  • Now click on Edit HTML
    • Search for  below code

    • expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl’
  • Now replace it with below code
  • rel='external nofollow' expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl’ 
  • Save template and you are done !
So basically we replace follow links into no follow relations so search engine now never follow the comments and you will gets unique and strong backlinks for more information stay tuned ! 


Facebook Blogger Plugin by Superbs Solution

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