23 June 2014

Install Google Analytics In Blogger 2014

Google Analytics is one of the most important tool from Google. As we all knows about Googlethat Google provide many tools for Web Developers and Bloggers like Webmaster Tools  etc. Same as Google is providing their Google Analytics Tool for Bloggers. By this tool we get an uniques tracking code for a site/blog. When we add this code in our blog / site this tool is collecting the information about the visitors and new visitors who come in your blog / site. Mostly newbie’s are facing the problem to install Google Analytics Tool in their bloggers blog / site. 

How To Install Google Analytics In Blogger?

Let’s start our tutorial and install this important tool in blogger blog /site. 
  • First Go To Google Analytics 
  • Sign in with your Blogger Accounts
  • Click the Admin button on the top right side
  • If you not created an account befores then click on New Account Button
  • Now fill the information as showing in screen shot
  • Now Click on Get Tracking ID
  • Copy the Tracking ID as showing below

  • Copy this Tracking ID
  • Now Go to Blogger > Settings > Others
  • In the last you can see Google Analytics
  • Paste this Tracking ID in it as showing below

  • Now Click on Save Setting
Save all these settings as showing above then you almost done. Now 
  • Go To Blogger > Template > Edit HTML
  • Search for </body>  usings CTRL+F
  • Paste the below code just above </body> 
<b:include name='google-analytics' data='blog'/>

  • Save Your Template and you all done enjoy 


Facebook Blogger Plugin by Superbs Solution

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