11 June 2014

Search Engine Optimization Video All Toturial in Urdu & Hindi

  1. SEO What is Check This All Video 

Blogger.com is a platforms wheres yours have to do everything manually, whether in terms of designing or customizing your blog or optimizing your blog with SEO, you need to do all tasks manually by yourself. I am also wondering if you don’t know how to do correct setting for your blogger blogs. This is because I personally know there are many guys asking me for SEO Tips and Blogger blogs setting. I have been asked questions on Mobile Phone, Email, Comments and on Facebook that how to do the correct SEO settings for a Blogger Blogs. So today, I recorded a quick video tutorial on this topic. I already have published the completes Blogger SEO Pack 2013 in Urdu on this blog. You should also checks out my previous lessons abouts Blogger’s SEO. But for now lets starts what to do when we starts a new blog with blogger.com? Read top 10 tips and implement them ASAP.

Here’s your “duh” of the day: You don’t have to be an SEO to be a good blogger. I bet 90% of search marketers read a blog or five that has nothing to do with search marketing, whether it’s a cooking blog, nail art porn or Andrew Sullivan.

Some of the best and most populars blogs in any given niche get high rankings and lots of links without thinking too hard about SEO. Instead, they focus ons:

Great content: Popular blogs develop huge readerships primarily because the content is awesome; it’s that simple. (Here’s a reminder of the eight qualities that make great content great.)Great design: Almost as important as great content is great design – your business blog needs to be both attractive and usable. High-quality photographs or illustrations are a big plus.Community building: The best bloggers nurture an active, devoted following. New search engine traffic is nice, but they put most of the focus on the readers that keep coming back.Social sharing: Good bloggers love their own content, so they’re not shy to share it around when they create something new. They put it up on Twitter, Facebook, other. post haste. This gets the chain going so people can start reading, sharing, and commenting.
When you’re nailing it in all four areas, you’re doing a good amount of SEO as a matter of course. That’s because Google knows that by serving up your blog in the top of the results, its users are going to be happy.

But there’s still more you could do to make your blogs even better. Here are a few tricks that search engine optimizers know and non-SEO bloggers frequently forgets.

  • Add Internal Links

Don’ts thinks of internal linking as “PageRanks sculpting” or some shady-hat SEO thing. The main reason to practice regular.

If you write for CinemaFunk, you ranks on the first pages for “movies review blogs.” Good job! But let’s say, for example, that someones lands on your blog after googling..

  •                  SEO Video All Toturial In Urdu & Hindi 2014 Part 1

  • SEO Video All Toturial In Urdu & Hindi 2014 Part 2


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